So my trip to Alabama, sucked horrible asshole. I have never met a group of people with as many problems as I did this week. Hiroshima after we dropped the A-bomb on it, Had less problems than the people I was with this week.
Now ill do a run down of my oh so exciting trip.
Monday -- Arrive at airport at 7:00 PM, get on flight at 7:15 to Charlotte NC (north Carolina). Now during this flight, I thought I was going to die. Mainly because we all heard a loud * BOOM!* and we then dropped I'd say 500 ft or more. and then the pilot rapidly brought up back up. They didn't even bother to say "Sorry about that" or even offer us an explanation. They just kept flying like that happens every time you fly. I arrive in Charlotte NC Look at computer screen to see that flight out of Charlotte has been delayed till 12:55 AM due to rain. 12:55 AM I'm told along with several other people, that the flight was cancelled at 10 PM and they never bothered to take it off the computer. From there I proceed to the US Airways consumer services desk. Where I am rudely asked if I would like the earliest flight possible. At this point US Airways has pushed me to my limit. After being asked if I would like the earliest flight possible, I replied with "No. I wouldn't. I'd actually like to stay in the airport for as long as possible. Do you have something for next week maybe? Id like to fit in as much site seeing as possible here at this airport, From what I hear your food court in out of this world. YES I WANT THE EARLIEST FLIGHT OUT OF HERE" I'm then told that there are no hotels around that aren't fully booked because of all the delays they were having, and am then given a voucher FOR A FUCKING HOTEL ROOM. So I called the girl an asshole, asked if she would like to squirt me in the eye with some lemon juice while she was at it, and then went on my way to the terminal. While at the terminal these 2 girls and one boy asked if I was up for searching for a hotel room with them, and splitting the cost if we found one. I said yes and we stuck together for the rest of the time till our flights the next morning. So as were sitting in the terminal waiting around, we are told WE CANT SIT THERE. We had to go all the way to BAGGAGE CLAIM and sit around/sleep. Lemme tell ya, those marble floors in the airport, FUCKING COMFORTABLE. LOLOLOLOLOLOL FUCK YOU US AIRWAYS. so yadda yadda yadda apparently the other guy with us was going to Birmingham so after saying our goodbyes, taking a few pictures with each other, we all departed and as far as i know made it to our destinations. After being up for 24+ hours I finally made it to Birmingham Alabama.
Tuesday -- Get to the hotel where I'm greeted by my friends who against my telling them I haven't gotten to shower or sleep and have been stuck in a airport proceed to hug me. Just goes to show how amazing I am lol So I sat around did a few things and then eventually told Katie Stanley that I had to at least go shower. She didn't really care and just said "I'm surprised you haven't left already but like I said feel free to leave whenever and go do whatever you have to" Major kudo points to her for that. So after showering I went to the suite and made myself a huge ass sangwhich because I hadn't eaten anything besides a sick ass snickers power bar since lunch time Monday afternoon. Everyone said they were going to go to the movies, I probably should of taken a nap, But I looked sleep right in the eyes and said "BITCH IM GOING TO THE FUCKING MOVIES!" and then drove with Zach, Danny, Andrew, and a few others to the strip mall and we decided to go to johnny rockets. All I got there was a Mr. Pibb, because I wanted caffeine. I also paid with a credit card, because I'm cool like that. So we get to the movies, and everyone wanted to see Transformers, But Katie, Richard, Martina, And Mary Lib wanted to see Evan Almighty or something like that, So I went with them instead. Kelly wasn't there, cuz people are lame and tell me she said she couldn't go :-( But Martina was an acceptable replacement I guess. Martina says she caught me sleeping a few times for a couple of seconds during the movie, but what the hell do you want from a guy who has yet to go to sleep? So we get out of the movie and decide to go to the macaroni grill or some silly place like that. I had just ate the massive sangwhich I made earlier, but I figured id get food anyways. Mama G was there also. So I sat next to Martina and drew an EVEN STRAIGHT line on the table, and she draws a line about as straight as Elton John and says that's my side. Then me and Jake pretty much just went back and forth insulting people lol while at the macaroni grill I got sit near Kelly. :-D I was also sucked into the realm of gossip and problems at this point. Silly people.....Keep your god damn tongues to yourself. Then we went back to the hotel and later that night had a pool party where I didn't go swimming. My 5 year old shaped body is just too much for people to handle. I also don't remember what I did after that.... I think I tried to sleep and just ended up listening to my mp3 player lol
Wednesday -- Was actually on time for something! That was a common theme this week, that I was on time for everything. So anyone who was late, had no excuse because I was on time. We went to some silly American village thing? On the bus ride there, Katie Stanley said shes going to be in Boston in August for a wedding and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out. I said sure. Furman then added that I should go to the wedding and be a wedding crasher and told me stories of him crashing a wedding once lol So I am now the proud date of Katie Stanley for her cousins wedding lol The American village was fun I guess, except for the little kid with like ADD or something that kept yelling out "CANADA CANADA CANADA!!!" and 'LOCK MEEEE IN THE GALLOWS!!!" and the guy who was clearly a Vietnam vet. I don't care what anyone says. he was. end of story. In one of the houses that used candle light, Furman and I made shadow puppets on the wall lol Then we came home. Ordered a pizza and then got ready for the banquet. Banquet was hilarious. I <3 Furman. Went to the formal dance with Katie Grawl, Learned that Martina didn't have a date and sat down the whole time. Andrew did the berries and cream dance for her and in return she had to go dance with him. So I took pictures for her mom and plan on sending them to her. Seriously. Then I changed and went to the dance where I took my classic pictures of surprising people. Martina had the best ones. After that we all went and talked in Kelly's room till the weeee hours of the night and then everyone left. Greg and I went back cuz we were bored and fell asleep in Kelly's bed. I don't think Kelly's mumsy was happy about that :-( but I could of sworn I was only asleep for like 10 minutes lol
Thursday -- Went down to my room where Zach and Andrew were sleeping till like 12. Danny came in a few times. I was going to catch the shuttle to the airport but Danny, Andrew and Zach insisted that they drop me off. Good times. Got to the airport late and the guy at the delta airlines was by far the nicest man ever. Switched my flight for free, but made sure that it wouldn't mess up the rest of my flights. Arrive in Atlanta, Then go to Philly, where I had to switch to US Airways. After having to walk 10000000 miles to their god damn ticket line, I'm told that I wasn't on the computer and that I wanted to be at United Airlines. So I walk another 10000 miles back to United where they say "No.... You wanted US Airways." So I then go back to US Airways were I'm told that I'm too late to get onto my flight and I should of shown up sooner. I then bitched the lady out and told her that US Airlines couldn't suck any more than they already do. I was now delayed till 11PM from a 9:05 PM flight. I made it home.
Now this is where the week gets tossed out the window. As I'm leaving the Manchester airport, after picking up my baggage, A girl walks past me and says "Nice sweatshirt." Now to you guys this is just a "Yea? so she liked your sweatshirt, whats so awesome about that?" I was wearing my Catch 22 sweatshirt, And everyone who's anyone always says "Catch what?" or "You liked the book so much you got a sweatshirt for it?" But this girl right off the bat knew it was a Catch 22 sweatshirt. So I said thanks and continued on my way to sit outside by myself waiting for my mumsy to come get me. So about 5 seconds after I sit down this girl comes out and comes over to me and asks if I minded if she sat next to me, and even if I didn't think this girl was hot, I wouldn't have said no, cuz that's just rude lol But we introduced ourselves and legit this girl was unbelievable. Within the short time period I got to talk to her I can tell you she lives out by Amherst MA, has been going to Bonnaroo for the past 5 years, except last year when she missed it, what her favorite music is, that she went and saw Phish play their last concert ever in Vermont, drinks from time to time, is older than 19 because she called me a youngin' and its rude to ask a lady her age hence why I can only assume shes older than me, smokes cigarettes and pot from time to time, is only out in the Amherst area because shes taking care of her father, is an outstanding friend because she was there picking up her friend coming back from Australia who flight got delayed and wouldn't be coming in till 130 AM and she said she would just stay there and wait, and finally that she has a great taste in good looking guys such as myself lawl. the last one I added myself but seriously, this girl was phenomenal. She knew every band I listen to. So when my mumsy got there, I wrote down my number and screen name and told her next time shes in Boston to gimme a call. Then she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and off I went. Although I doubt my mumsy appreciated her cuz she thought she was a girl from C.A.R till I told her it was a girl I met legit 10 mins before that lol In all honesty besides the pot smoking this girl was on the same level if not a higher level of hotness/amazingness as Gwen Stefani and Amanda Bynes. I even felt the need to apologize to US Airways and send a thank you note for making me late, so I could meet this girl. So that is how the end of my trip got turned around and I no longer hate the world for putting me threw it all lol
And that ends my journal entry for now. Toodles!