If you know me, and none of you do, you know that my love for the Harry Potter series is boundless. It took a good deal of cajoling to convince me to give it a shot, way back in 10th grade, but I did and am pretty much now a Harry Potter nerd for life.
I decided a few months back that I wanted to reread the whole series again, now that it's complete and enough time has passed. This was probably... August? September at the latest. Thus began my mission. Now, six months on, I'm completely finished, right?
Wrong. I'm 178 pages into Book 2. The Chamber of Secrets, that dreadful hiccup in my beloved series. Mind you, it's no Breaking Dawn (ha! There, I said it), but CoS is definitely the redheaded stepchild of the series to me. Add to that the fact that I've read it several times and seen the movie even more, and I just can't. get. through. it. Dobby! Myrtle! Dobby! Prof. Lockhart! Dobby! I can't go on.
In any case, it snowed today something fierce, and as I have no warm clothes and poor driving skills on dry roads, I was relegated to the house all day. I thought it would be the perfect time to plow through CoS. It clearly wasn't. Arg, I just want to skip to Prisoner of Azkaban.