This journal's being recycled. Old AU information is as follows:
Despite everything, he's still a Light, and defaults to insanely well-presented and mostly attractive. There are cracks, if you look for them. If he's having a bad time, a lot of this will go by the wayside and I will tag accordingly.
Age: 24 25. (29th April 2009 == 2nd October 2010)
Shinigami eye view - shows his name in kanji and a lifespan which isn't the same as a canon Light's (4 0 9 5 76 2 3). If you're a B or a shinigami and can interpret the numbers, he's going to die in roughly five years, when he's 29.
Hair - neater than a typical second-arc Light's: he combs it a lot, so it tends to be smooth rather than to fall into locks. It's still in his eyes, and he still plays the same tricks with it.
Face - normal, except that he has perpetual dark circles under his eyes. They're not as bad as your average L's. Teeth are again normal, except that the top front two are noticeably chipped inwards in the centre: he doesn't tend to smile broadly because of this.
Clothes - usually neat, younger than you might expect - more colour, either peacock-bright, or dark and subdued, and more daring colour choices and styles, sometimes idiosyncratic, usually looser-cut than canon - he hides inside what he wears; he frames his clothes, rather than vice versa. If you have any experience of kira Lights at all, you can tell he's not one just from looking at him.
Accessories - usually seen wearing ipod headphones when he's alone. Whether he'll be able to keep it charged in the mansion is questionable.
Kira status: That's a negative, Houston. There's no Kira in his world at all.
Sexual orientation: Considers himself straight. He's slept with a couple of men, and didn't see much difference, truth be told.
AU: Detailed
here. He's not nearly as AU as you'd think. It's a single-point divergence: he doesn't get the notebook. No Kira, no battle with L. Unfortunately, everyday life has its own problems, to which he succumbs.
Light's a very, very sick young man - but is in denial about it. He's been hospitalised twice, once by his parents, once by the police. He's good at seeming normal, but it's a façade.
He has a lot of insecurities that he refuses to acknowledge; he crushes them, and they emerge in odd ways - words that escape from his mouth when he's alone, intrusive internal monologue that he can't quiet. He's mercurial - given to mood swings, flights of temper and, generally, rapid changes. The calm he had in high school is a thing of the past. He's the rainbow cast by water cascading off a cliff; the halo that refracts around the moon.
He sees the world through a constant mist of betrayal, a swarm of attacks from any number of sources, and he's driven to render them harmless, to demonstrate his superiority. Faced with his flaws, he attacks others. Everything that's happened to him - his failure, his displacement, the wreck his life and his mind have become - he takes out on the world around him, any way he can. So while he's not Kira, and won't kill you, he's still likely to give you a bad time. Like canon!Light, he has some sociopathic tendencies - but isn't a sociopath, and his conscience is far less atrophied. This Light still has trouble burying and reinterpreting the things he's driven to do; he is capable of moral introspection, and he knows he's lost himself. He likes to be liked, but because he perceives himself as flawed and damaged, goes about it all the wrong way.
Outward manner:
Light's attitude towards others tends towards arch and mocking - unless he's aiming to impress, when he can be pleasant, friendly and interested. He'll toy with people who don't threaten him, and shut down around those who do - or attack them.
He strives to be together, unflappable and untouchable: the kind of person who could meet an atomic explosion in the next street with the twitch of one eyebrow, the kind of person he thinks he was. He often pulls this off, especially if he's in his comfort zone. However, the front he maintained without effort when he was seventeen has deteriorated over time, as he's become sicker, and there are more issues with it now. He also has trouble keeping still for long - since he was first in hospital he's had a nagging claustrophobia, and doesn't like to be kept in one room, or with one person, or on the spot. He'll eventually break into a fidget, or start pacing: in rooms, his instinct will be to prowl the perimeter. Having said that, as long as his restlessness is controlled, he's still quite the wallflower: he'll settle, watch and listen, and zero in on people who might distract him.
His concentration is shattered, and his attention span is short: go on too long, or press on issues he doesn't want to discuss, and his response is likely to be boredom. Get the upper hand, or hit one of his buttons, and he's likely to leave abruptly, with or without an explosion: he's prone to sudden outbursts of bad temper or viciousness, which can come from nowhere: he covers as long as he can, and covers well - then pops.
He tries very, very hard to pass as normal, and often can't. Pick him up on this, or imply that you've noticed something, and he'll hate it. Mock him for it, and you'll have made an enemy for life. Yes, he's petty and, just like canon, his interpersonal hostilities are far too important to him.
His family are, perhaps surprisingly, not as much of one as you might think. He doesn't like them - he works very hard at resenting them, and being bitter about them. The alternative is to feel rejected, and abandoned by them. He can be pushed to the point of defending them, but it's not exactly easy to do.
Likely problems with the mansion:
It's going to remind him of being hospitalised in countless ways. This will be bad - but, as he realises that the place has effectively freed him from several of the constraints he was under in the real world, it will grow on him.
Not being able to walk away from people is going to present him with issues. He's going to lose one of his major coping mechanisms, and he's going to mess up; his behaviour is apt to become flawed, and he's going to have to deal with it instead of leaving it behind.
If he can let himself settle in, adapt and assimilate, then it will probably be good for him - it's restful, and, in a lot of ways, it's more interesting than his everyday life.
RP journal, for
My (
vashti) non-AU Light RP journals are:
curtainwizard at dndressingroom. (post-canon / dead)
misdirector at disturbia_rp. (January 2010)
Userpic keywords are all from Lemon Demon.