Age: 28
Height: 5'5ish
Weight: Slim to normal.
Medical Info: Perfectly healthy succubus.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown.
Physical traits: Uh... succubus?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'd like to stay away from fictional for the time being.
Abilities: I will do a real post on this later, but the short version of powers goes something like:
1) sexual charisma-it's not overwhelming, if she's really not your type, she won't magically become your type. If she might be your type, or she's almost your type, she'll ping harder than normal. Pretty easy, I think?
2) seduction/influence-unlike the first one, this is active, and works on most people. She has to be touching someone for this to work, and it takes energy. It really only works for a few minutes.
3) feeding on sexual chi-a girl's gotta eat? Bo can do this by kissing someone, as well as sexual contact. If she takes too much, then the person dies. (And they're pretty happy when they go.) I'm taking Bo from the end of season one, so by this point she can control this well enough not to kill people. Feeding also has the advantage of giving her power/healing boosts.
4) sharing chi- newest power. If someone else is drained, she can give them some of hers.
5) How strong and fast Bo is depends on how much and what she's been feeding on.
Oh, and I almost forgot, 6) the more sexual people are feeling, the "brighter" they seem to her. So. Eh.
I feel over the top writing this all out like this, but she's really not super powerful as fae go, and she doesn't always know what she's doing. As succubi go, she's really a beginner still. Most of this is stuff that people in camp could resist or would be aware of, and I wouldn't do any of it without asking first. Opt in, always. :|b
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Bo is fae, which is sort of a catchall term for all sorts of supernatural creatures. She is a succubus, but she's not a demon. If you'd be pinged by magical type stuff, she might pop up. She, herself, does not have a sense of who around her is fae/whatever, and will only know if there's reason to suspect, or she feeds on you. For the psychics... uh. She spends a lot of time thinking about sex. It's part of the deal.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask me, but probably yes.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Sure. She's good for all sorts of non-violent touching.
Maim/Murder/Death: Ask me, we'll see.
Cooking: Bo orders a lot of pizza. Uh.
Other: Nothing springs to mind, but if anyone has questions, feel free to ask.