Powers/Feeding Poll

Mar 03, 2011 16:32

Bo's gotten out to meet people and such a bit, so I think it's a good time for this.

Alright, I sort of got into this in my stats and permissions, but I figured I'd include it again. I actually think my first summary is pretty good, but if you're interested in more in depth explanations, that goes here.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to tell people how they should react to Bo, or how her powers must affect them. By no means am I going to tell anyone that they ought to find Bo attractive or that her powers ought to be super affective on them. It's my opinion that people know their own characters better than I do, and unless it starts getting into a place where it's affecting me being able to play my character how I need to, I'm not going to disagree. Canon states clearly that succubus powers don't work the same on everyone, particularly different types of supernatural creature. I have a fair amount of wiggle here, and I won't use any of Bo's active powers on people without their permission. There's no obligation to play with those ever.

Some of these do get a little into weird mind control/non-con/dub-con places, and anyone who doesn't want to go there, I totally respect that. Any succubus-type interaction is strictly opt-in. Otherwise, Bo interacts just like everyone else.

Charisma: This is not overwhelming. Straight women do not magically become gay seeing her. Gay men do not magically become straight. This is pretty much just a passive state that goes with being a fae that feeds on sex. If she is your character's type, she might ping more than normal. If she's not normally your character's type, but the differences aren't a big deal-your character normally prefers blondes, etc-she might ping them despite that. She just comes off as one of those people who's sexier than they should be, but within reason.

Seeing Sexuality: Bo can "see" how sexual people are feeling at any given time. The more sexual a person is, the brighter they appear to her. It's not a big deal and really only comes up once in canon. But the take away is that she can tell how turned on a person is.

Seduction/Influence: This is probably the sketchiest of Bo's abilities. It's an active ability and takes conscious effort to perform, but basically Bo has the power to touch people and make them overwhelmingly attracted to her or want to please her. It's sort of like being head over heels stupid in love. For about five to eight minutes. It's not really straight up mind control, and some people can fight it, particularly other fae who are older and have more control of their powers. This does normally work on people who aren't normally into women, but they will also possibly be aware something is wrong or weird about it.

Bo uses this pretty freely in canon, especially to get information out of people, however she probably won't do a whole lot of it in camp, and 100% opt in. If a situation comes up where this seems appropriate, I'll definitely contact whoever I'm playing with, and no one should ever feel obligated to be okay with it. :|b

Feeding: This is the one that does have to happen to some degree, though I'm willing to handwave it a little if there are no volunteers. Bo can do this through kissing, as well as other sexual contact, so rules won't be a huge issue. I'm taking Bo from the end of Season One, which means she can control this well enough now to feed on humans without killing them. This is a Good Thing. Basically, kiss, this happens-Bo draws out sexual chi in sort of a glowy episode-and everyone's happy. This feels really good, and very sexual.

Bo can kill people this way, but will try to avoid it in camp.

Strength/Speed/Healing: All of these things depending on how often and on whom Bo feeds. If she were feeding regularly on Hatter, she would be stronger and faster than if she were feeding on Neji (to use my own characters as examples... Neji would not do this one, I don't think). Feeding more often also makes her more powerful. She heals herself when she feeds, and how much is healed kind of goes the same way. The healing works on both physical injuries and fae mind control-y type things.

Sharing Chi: Her newest trick in canon involves breathing chi back into a person who's already been drained. This means that if she goes too far feeding, or if someone is drained in a similar manner, she can share some of her own energy with them. This is also pretty sexual, and people who come through this seem to get a pretty strong rush from it.

Odds & Ends: Lost Girl does imply that succubi are capable of a few other tricks. Some of them are pretty crazy. It doesn't matter too much, though, because Bo doesn't know how to do them, and isn't likely to try.

So, having said all of that. Are there any people who wouldn't mind being succubus-nom'd?

Bo is bisexual, so male and female characters are both welcome, and characters who aren't strictly one or the other... might be a little different for her, but would probably go there too.

That said, she would draw the line at children. I don't know that I have a strict minimum age, but she's going to err toward people who are not jailbait.

poll, stats/permissions

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