so i figured i should dump out my challenge folder before it got totally ridiculous. there was a challenge at the7days where you did one actor but seven different roles. i got a little carried away and did sets for like......four actors? idk. i made a list of about six but eventually stopped.
not entirely sure how well this will be organized.
I realized I haven't done one of these in a long ass time. Some random icons I haven't posted. Most are for challenges and elites. The comms that some are made for areeee: iconflashspn, supernatu-elite, teenwolf_elite, thevampdiaelite, tsc-elite, whedon-elite Some old icons for tvrealm, a couple LIMS that I don't remember the name of, and a few icon battles amongst friends.
Supernatural 1 - 24 Teen Wolf 25 - 47 The Vampire
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