Hi, I'm not entirely sure how often you check this, but I have no other way of contacting you as it appears you have LJ messages turned off for people outside of your f-list.
This is just a quick enquiry from the mods at firstclass_rp regarding whether or not you'll be joining us with Raven any time soon. We're doing our best to keep the character open for you, but as she is a main character, we'd love to have her active. Please get in contact with one of us if there's been a problem and we can discuss holding her for you longer, otherwise we may have to open her back up to other people.
Comments 21
This is just a quick enquiry from the mods at firstclass_rp regarding whether or not you'll be joining us with Raven any time soon. We're doing our best to keep the character open for you, but as she is a main character, we'd love to have her active. Please get in contact with one of us if there's been a problem and we can discuss holding her for you longer, otherwise we may have to open her back up to other people.
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