Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (9/?)
Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters)
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Warnings: Sequel to
BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Comments 24
i am most definitely enjoying this.
p.s. yes my concept of forever seems to be that of an eight year old.
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So good to see this again! *S*
This is coming along wonderfully. especially the last few chapters, the one where they're sitting in starbucks had some particularly lovely passages, and this last one set up some very clear questions and ideas in my head as to what the big secret might be.
can't wait for the next one!
btw - what kind of fic do you read these days? I'm doing an informal poll sort of. It seems that some of the writers I follow read some unexpected things.
As for fic, I stick pretty steadily to LOTRIPS. So far I've never found anything that even holds a candle to the writing here. I'm a big canon fan of other things like HP and LOST and recently flaming back up with POTC, but I never got into the fic aspect of them. A lot of things I'm happy to take as they come. :)
My intro to fanfic was Velvet Goldmine and Gormenghast fandom, though I've left it behind. Still love the movies and books though.
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