Title: Choosing One's Battles Rating: R for violence Pairing: None. Billy stars, along with OMCs. Warnings: AU, violence, blood. This is a flashback within my BTS universe. Stands alone, if you like, but better as part of the whole
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LOL I have lurked from time to time and joined the site to get updates but this is the first thing I've read by you and I really did enjoy it. I'm going to be reading the other parts of this so you'll be hearing from me. LOL
I love how Billy doesn't seem to have much choice in the matter and is clearly desperate for the cash, but still gets a kick out of being egged on and having people step out of his way afterwards. Such a man thing!
Yay! Thanks so much! I'm honestly stoked people liked this, because I knew it would sort of annihiliate some the sweet lovable ideal I've built up of Billy. He was cocky and stupid and... well eighteen. And sometimes I need that vicious streak to show itself.
Wow, this desperate and slightly vicious Billy is a reminder that there's so much more inside him than Dom knows. Now that I think of when he punched the wall...
A fantastic one-shot; and a wonderful way to fill-in some of Billy's mysterious history prior to his job on the ship. I can totally see him doing this, especially since:
This fight would last him a good three months, if he was careful.
Wow! Gritty, dirty, cold, vicious, so realistic. But what a harsh way to earn your pounds. Still, my money would have been on Billy, too.
Comments 17
Boy, did you stumble into another dimension. Have fun! :D
I love how Billy doesn't seem to have much choice in the matter and is clearly desperate for the cash, but still gets a kick out of being egged on and having people step out of his way afterwards. Such a man thing!
My favourite flashback so far!
Sam x
Thank you!
This fight would last him a good three months, if he was careful.
Wow! Gritty, dirty, cold, vicious, so realistic. But what a harsh way to earn your pounds. Still, my money would have been on Billy, too.
Thank you so much. This is brilliant!
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