Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (22/?)
Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters)
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Warnings: Sequel to
BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Comments 27
his real gratitude was something that passed between them without being spoken, in the way Billy’s hands continued to shuffle through the cards, pausing on certain pictures and places.
Dom winning the chess game and otherwise showing that he's not the little brother any more.
The little touch of Viggo was very gratifying.
I still hope Austen was going to say something approving, before Billy said his heartfelt piece.
Though Billy's writer wasn't meant to be Viggo, just a OMC (admittedly, I had an image of Clive Owen, even though he isn't American). Viggo is the Mad Chef on the ship in this 'verse, Billy didn't meet him until much later. Whether or not they had any sort of fling is probably one for the interludes. ;)
I think Austin is getting there with the whole idea of Dom'n'Billy...I hope so, at least :)
and YAY for Scotland :D
Billy is my hero. I really cannot wait for him to FINALLY see Maggie after all this time; whatever the outcome I have no doubt the drama will be beautiful.
Thanks for keeping this fic going. It is truly one of the best things I have ever read.
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