Title: Bitter Pill (1/1) Rating: R Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: AU. This is an interlude within my BTS universe. Summary: Soho, December 26th A/N: This takes place between Chapters 23 & 24 of TGS.
I didn't expect that at ALL. How wonderfully done! So biting and it made me feel bad for your Orlando, as much as I wanted to sock him one, I kinda wanted Dominic to be able to fix him too.
I'm finally caught up on your btsverse, and I hope that you know we readers are really grateful for this story. It's sooooo beautifully well done, and believable, sharp and sad but funny and sweet too. :) Thanks so much for sticking with it, even though you've had a rough time of it.
Thank you! I'm so glad people have enjoyed it. It's taken much longer than I ever expected. Now if it would just let me finish!
I doubt I'll leave the universe behind for good once I grind out the last few chapters. There's a lot of stuff that never made it in for various reasons, so vignettes like these are always floating around in my head.
Comments 14
I didn't expect that at ALL. How wonderfully done! So biting and it made me feel bad for your Orlando, as much as I wanted to sock him one, I kinda wanted Dominic to be able to fix him too.
I'm finally caught up on your btsverse, and I hope that you know we readers are really grateful for this story. It's sooooo beautifully well done, and believable, sharp and sad but funny and sweet too. :) Thanks so much for sticking with it, even though you've had a rough time of it.
I doubt I'll leave the universe behind for good once I grind out the last few chapters. There's a lot of stuff that never made it in for various reasons, so vignettes like these are always floating around in my head.
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