Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (26/26)
Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters)
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Warnings: Sequel to
BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Comments 38
You broke my heart so many times on this journey, but you always put it back together, and along the way you managed to fix the boys too, so thank you, from the three of us.
When I go to see Mr. Boyd in 'Sunshine on Leith' in October, I think yours is the Billy I'll be looking for.
I suppose now I'll have to re-read it from the very beginning - again - better get in a supply of tissues!
I'm glad you stuck with me!
*is cheeky and needy in equal doses!*
Absolutly stunning. I love every second, and in my mind I can see them continuing there journey together through the ups and the downs, the happy times and the sad, and in the end being better for them and remembering why they fell in love. To me this verse will live on even if I don't have a sneak peak at it like I was blessed to over the years.
One day, Dom thought, we’ll go back. The pair of us. We’ll go back to New Zealand together, and climb that same tree.
And oh, this made my heart clench, both for AU and non-AU reasons. :D
Congratulations, boo-I hope you're proud. I know it was hard for you to put this to bed, and you did so SO WELL. ♥
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