They Might Be Giants will be performing on a float at this year's Coney Island Mermaid Parade at 2:00pm, this Saturday -- June 20th. Go check them out!
Please puhleeze tell me someone will be there with some sort of video apparatus to capture this rich experience!!1
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You are Spock Spock 74% Jean-Luc Picard 65% Uhura 60% Deanna Troi 55% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 55% Chekov 50% Geordi LaForge 45% Will Riker 45% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 40% Beverly Crusher 40% Data 36% James T. Kirk (Captain) 30% Worf 30% Mr. Sulu 25% Mr. Scott 20%
You are skilled in knowledge and logic. You believe
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It's a nice, breezy spring day, nobody's sick, most of my work is done for the week, and yesterday we got two large checks we needed. Really needed. Really, really needed. As in *phew
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OMG TMBG is playing Nightclubbin by Iggy on the radio show they're DJing (i'd forgotten how cool that song was, now i need to go find my CD
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