Oh Em Gee!! Septa wrote me back!

Sep 11, 2008 14:57

Dear Ms. S,

Our Service Planning Department reports that passenger counts in the Spring
indicated that for most of the day, the articulated buses were not required
on Rt.#27. As a result, Rt. #27 will use 40 foot buses exclusively -
freeing up the articulated buses for routes with heavier ridership. They do
understand that there are certain times when more people are riding and for
this reason the headway on Rt. #27 will be adjusted (more buses per hour)
during rush hours to accommodate the increased passenger volume. The route
will be monitored through the fall and adjustments will be made as

Your comments will be forwarded to Management in the Service Planning
Department and the Bus Transportation Division for review.


Barry Berky
SEPTA Customer Service

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 9:20 AM
To: cservice
Subject: Complaint

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(suzanne) on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 09:20:07

wl_tp: Employee,Comments

Name: Suzanne S
Comment: Complaint
Incident Date: 9-8-08
Time of Incident: 8:00am
Boarding Location: Ridge and Manayunk Avenues
Final Destination: Broad and Vine Streets
Route: 27
Vehicle Number: 5908
Direction of Travel: toward center city
Employee: n/a
Comments: Now that the 27 bus is no longer a double-bus, I haven't gotten a
seat on it in at least two weeks. On this day, I counted 10 people
It is completely unfair to the people of Manayunk to not be able to sit on a
ride that goes down the Schuylkill Expressway, and at least during rush hour
we need larger buses.
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