Well, shiver me timbers, it's our very firstest Canon Sue! There's also an original Sue and Stu scurrying about in this story, but I thought the defilement of our good Captain's character was so gut-wrenching that it should be the focus here.
The Sparrow's Lament: Broken VowCULPRIT:
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Comments 15
Speaking of knives, how much do you all want to bet that Jack ends up becoming a cutter later on?
I think I can explain this. He is very, very, very drunk. Yes, he was not a sappy drunk in the movie, but I would rather think he is crying because alcohol is a depressant than the author has no concept of Jack's character whatsoever.
Where did she get the idea that Jack and Ana Maria would be in love? Was it the part where she slapped him, the part where she yelled at him, or the other numerous parts that were overflowing with sappy love?
Actually, she has some very nice descriptions. She needs a new story, some originality, and a different character, but she could be a good writer.
Also, it was more a wish that he was crying because he was drunk than what I believe the reason is. I know the author has no concept of Jack's character, but tried to come up with some other explanation to preserve my faith in fanfiction writers.
In conclusion, it was a bad theory with many holes and thank you for pointing them out.
Poor Jack. He should sic the UN on this Suethor, this story's a violation of his basic right to dignity.
Actually, that's more like something out of one of the first movies Johnny Depp ever starred in, the infamous Cry Baby.
Turning into other characters, are we Jack?
If Jack's going to have Johnny Depp identity crises, when can we expect some scissor hands? Or a Buster Keaton routine? ...Oh, never mind, he did the raisin bit in the DVD extras.
It never ceases to amaze me how Sues can flout genetics time and time again.
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