Dec 07, 2009 11:23
Well he's done one on the episode 'Doublemeat Palace' where he has this to say about Buffys job there...
"Actually I think Buffy and Spike against the trash trailer must rate as the most unerotic sex scene in the history of TV, even the most avid Spuffers must admit it's positively depressing. Now as we've all wondered before during 'Anne' surely a girl as beautiful as Buffy can get a better job? (or as Xander put it hasn't she ever met 'any nice pimps'?). 'Pretty Woman' or at very least doesn't Sunnydale have a Hooters or Spearmint Rhino? (or did Mayor Wilkins not allow them as not in keeping with his vision of the place? Even he with all his power couldn't stop streetwalkers to judge by 'Innocence' despite what the Gorch's say in Bad Eggs). Ok, I'm not entirely serious but I can never get over the Hollywood cliche of a girl as beautiful as Buffy working in fast-food. Still after Belle du Jour not as unthinkable as it once might have been. Of course after watching Dollhouse you get the idea that Joss is actually quite keen on the idea of prostitution? Everyone seen the Eliza Dushku as a dominatrix scene?"
So, let me get this straight. This bloke thinks Buffy would be better off working as a Hooker then an honest job, and that attractive women don't ever end up working in a fast food joints? Good grief.
The last sentence really pushes home to me how badly parts of Dollhouse were perceived by some sections of it's audience. *smacks head*