I've been looking at alot of black & white/vintage photography. It amazes me! Me & my mum have been looking at it for hours going "ahh that's beautiful!-i want that in my room" =) kind of expensive though, but i've chosen these photos that i really need ;]
over. over. over. over. over. over. over. over. Meh. So i'm a little sad as it was such excellence. Hmm, anyway i blogged Lucy (: Go me. Don't know what ot say really. Such alot has happened that i don't knw where to start. So for this entry i will not start at all ;D xxx
Hey can anybody help me? Right now on my internet all the fonts gone really huge, and i have forgotten how to make it all normall and everything. ;/ grr. x
add me bitches :P I have had this forever and have neverrr ever EVER used it. So i am coding it all now and so.... <33 Or just leave me you URL and i will add you. x
BYE! Seeyou next week, and have a good first half the the half term, and to everyone who it applies to: Good luck on exams. Seeyou later + please still comment on my last blog. x