"Last" Survey
*Last Cigarette:: oooh 9th grade
*Last Alcoholic Drink:: laurens house about 2 months ago
*Last Car Ride:: Just got home from running around
*Last Kiss:: i plead the 5th
*Last Good Cry:: july 13
*Last Library Book checked out:: curious george, for my lil cuzins
*Last Movie Seen in Theatres:: madagascar
*Last Book Read:: jesus christ, did we read anything senior year, omg it had to be something from junior year, i have no idea
*Last Movie Rented:: the hilz (which sucked)
*Last Cuss Word Uttered:: jesus christ
*Last Beverage Drank:: pepsi
*Last Food Consumed:: red bell pepper
*Last Crush:: hmmmm idk....james i guess
*Last Phone Call:: joe
*Last TV Show Watched:: pimp my ride
*Last Time Showered:: This morning
*Last Shoes Worn:: flip flops
*Last CD Played:: Brittany Spears on the way to mahopac sunday
*Last Item Bought:: picture frame and mints
*Last Download:: "i think i love you"
*Last Annoyance:: Having to wake up this morning
*Last Disappointment:: breaking up with james (or should i say be broken up with him)
*Last Soda Drank:: pepsi
*Last Thing Written:: shopping list
*Last Key Used:: Car key
*Last Word Spoken:: bye
*Last Sleep:: Last Night
*Last IM:: ryan, actually still talking to him
*Last Sexual Fantasy:: fantasys arnt supposed to be told.....
*Last Weird Encounter:: jacob at my aunts house riding the pool stick like he was a cowboy screaming horse shit
*Last Time Amused:: last night
*Last Time Wanting To Die:: yesterday
*Last Time In Love:: still am, but no one seems to notice
*Last Time Hugged:: last night
*Last Time Scolded:: hmmm idk
*Last Time Resentful:: dont know
*Last Chair Sat In:: my computer chair now
*Last Shirt Worn:: My "your not invited" shirt