So lately I've been kind of mellow-yellow. I would probably feel better if I wrote about what's going on, but I hate talking about depressing shit 8| So I will write a useless picture-filled-video-game-entry to make me feel better for now.
Sunny said to post a picture of my dog so I will start off with that!
This is Mini ♥ She was an abused dog I picked up at the shelter almost a year ago now, her birthday is October 31st.
She's special to me in so many ways :| When I was locked away in that apartment living with the ex, it was just her that I had to keep me sane for all those hours.
GRAAH. TERRIBLE MEMORIES. MOVING ALONG. They told me she was a mix between Papillon x Pomeranian ...but to me she just looks like a fox or a woodland creature LOL. Even though I've been with her for almost a year she still isn't trusting of people and hides under all the furniture if you even approach her. SLOW HEALING PROCESS IS SLOW, but she's very sweet with me and jumps on my stomach at 4AM to wake me up 8| THANKS, MINI.
She also likes to graciously eat all my chargers. SO KIND, MINI. SO KIND.
So, because South Florida weather is so fantastic ... I'm sick again. I've been going on morning jogs outside and the temperature outside keeps changing everyday. So it's been like 80, 50, 90, 40F. I'M BLAMING MY COUGH ON YOU WEATHER. I'm not used to running with any sort of chill in the air so it killed my throat 8| /shakes fist
Aside from that I've been bumming around like usual (with occasional breaks to do some actual work online). Mostly this week I've been playing too many video games. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE? I WILL SHOW YOU ANYWAY.
I want to touch his hair.
Noel is hot too and he make the best sex faces (unintentionally) in the game ♥
and because I am really lame, my PS3 background:
8| I liked this picture of Yukimura and I thought using rainbow icons seemed fitting.
.....and theeeeeen, when I'm in bed trying to fall asleep, I pretend I know Japanese and play Uta-Puri.
Queue Brendii squealing at her PSP at 3AM. 8| Tokiya, you are my next victim.
Somewhere between FFXIII-2 and Utapuri, I PLAY TALES OF THE ABYSS 3D \o/
You don't have to, Guy. Everyone knows you have sex with Luke 8||
That was a very long video-game/nonsense related entry. I'd say I play too many games, but no. Writing reviews is what I did for a while (took a much needed break due to...stuff! You know!) so it feels refreshing to just play what I want without thinking "I HAVE TO WRITE THIS BY FRIDAY. FML." I will go back to that eventually, just not right now.
Off to have some coffee. I LOVE YOU ALL ♥ No, really. I do.