Meme I stole from a Japanese Salesman:
I am: At my desk, pretending to be typing something tedious and important.
I think: About writing stuff when I'm sick of thinking about important things.
I know: How to sing like Aaron Neville. They're letting me do it in a play.
I have: to go see Rob's show at Second City or I'm a very bad co-worker.
I wish: too hard. So hard that I un-wish it.
I hate: money. Well, not having it. Money is pretty boss when you have it.
I miss: my slo-bro Keenan.
I fear: developmental stagnation.
I smell: ink.
I crave: Olives.
I search: Google Maps for places like the 'taj mahal' and 'the kremlin' when I'm bored.
I wonder: how far willpower can take someone.
I regret: not having all my acting shit together.
I love: waaaaay too hard.
I ache: on the right leg. My bike gives me crazy bruises.
I am not: happy with what Chicago's doing to my skin.
I believe: that children are our future. Teach them well and let them...*vomits*
I dance: to sexy disco beats.
I sing: more than I do any other single thing.
I cry: less often than I used to.
I fight: with my Wife. We punch each other's boobs and boxes.
I win: the Pick 3...or at least I did when I was eleven. Twice. In three days.
I lose: the dating game.
I never: Not have a song playing in my head.
I always: lose track of something important.
I confuse: people who are annoying me with my brother.
I listen: to Northwestern's college radio in the afternoon. They play stuff that's on my iPod.
I can usually be found: In dive bars,
I am scared: of Sarah Palin. And my Wife's secret lust for Sarah Palin.
I need: to quit with the worry.
I am happy about: my band
I imagine: hope for abortion.
In other news: Ryan and I went to court yesterday to support our rehearsal space not getting shut down (it's a shithole building that apparently has a shitton of hazardous issues). It was only us and another band that showed up. We were thanked, and now I think we shouldn't have to pay rent this month. I was happy to be downtown instead of at work, of course. I felt like I had escaped from the Evanston Zoo and people with nets were looking for me. Ryan bought me a Honey Crisp Apple at the Farmer's Market (HONEY CRISP APPLES ARE THE BEST APPLES ON THIS EARTH) and we walked around the city until we got bored. Then I went home and magically got the internet and downloaded Beck, Of Montreal, and Ratatat's new ones and Crystal Castles (cuz I was curious) and Dethklok (cuz my brother told me to).
Also, today I got an email from my landlord, saying he's not recieved my rent check. A lot of it has to do with getting my wallet lost and my account closed (AND I TOLD HIM ABOUT ALL OF IT), but my bank sent the check late and now he thinks I'm an irresponsible idiot, which is EXACTLY what you want your landlord to think. Fuck. When am I gonna start having fun again?