fucking shit cock

Jun 19, 2008 09:40

There's this internet girl, spas (whom I met through 420chan), who didn't cheat on me through myspace. Blah blah, could write a whole story about what happened here, but the important part is that she asked me to move into an apartment with her. I was overdue to get out of Jake and Amanda's apartment, and figured what the hell. So I packed up all of my shit into my car and drove from Michigan to Rhode Island to live with Julianne(spas) Rhode Island.

Oh god, 16 hour drive.. over 200$ in gas.. My poor car :(

Moved out in like the third week of April, and was planning on getting an apartment May 1st. Plan was for me to stay in her dorm while we look for an apartment. Things were cool, got along with her suitemates (it's a suite of like 8 girls each with their own room), had fun living dorm life without having to go to class. Kinda like Alma, minus the bleeding and waste of money.

This part I didn't find out until the next day. Things go cool, until her school therapist talks to her mom, and ruins everything. (She was seeing a therapist because she wanted a "professional" to talk to to try to work out some stress and such. Big woop. Except that the therapist did exactly the opposite of what she was supposed to do.) Julianne is 17 (but a sophomore in college), so she doesn't actually have any rights even though she's basically an adult by now.

The therapist tells her mom about me staying in the dorm and overplays any of spas's issues to her mother, and her mother (understandably, however inconveniently) overreacts even more. They team up and pull her out of school and take her to a children's hospital. (this is two weeks before the end of the school year) She's kept in the children's hospital with no communication with the outside for a night. And her mom calls campus police.

While I think she's just going to class... I felt kind of annoyed with some stuff and decide to dose 500mg of dxm.

Campus police comes into her dorm while I'm there (applying for a job at CVS at my computer and waiting to come up on the dxm), tells me to pack my stuff up and come with them. I have to leave like everything in her dorm and my car, and stuff basically a nights worth of clothes in my backpack. I'm brought to the campus police station (is it a station?) and get asked a bunch of questions. I'm shaking like crazy because I was so scared, and they told me I couldn't come back, so I didn't know where I was going to stay that night. They ask me if I'm on drugs, and I tell them "no", thinking to myself "not yet". They talk to me and tell me that there wouldn't be an issue if she was 18, but the fact was that she was 17. I'm safe from charges though, not being over 21. Eventually they call up this travel agency place and ask about an available place to stay for free.. but end up dropping me off at a homeless shelter.

By the time I get dropped off at the homeless shelter, I finally started coming up (god, powder dxm takes so long to metabolize..) and I can't figure out where the entrance is, but I find some door that I can open, and I just sit down and start seeing shit with my eyes closed. Then this guy comes in and is like "you can't be here" and I tell him that the cops dropped me off here to stay the night and he brings me to the right entrance. So I get inside and one of the guys there asks me where I came from, and I tell him "Rhode Island College". He asks "which one". I repeat. He doesn't get it, and asks me again. "Rhode Island College. RIC." Yes there's a lot of colleges in Rhode Island, but dammit, there is actually one called RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE... apparently this guy didn't get it and another guy understood it and started this form and told me to talk to this chick and fill out paperwork.

I start feeling nauseous while talking to her, and have to run downstairs and throw up (damn my weak stomach). Come back up, finish the paperwork, and go back downstairs with a bunch of homeless people and try to figure out where to sleep, while staggering and not understanding a damn thing. I get a comforter to sleep on, and a blanket to cover me up, and use my backpack as a pillow. Lay down, trip balls.

I woke up around 7am, feeling the residual effects of the dxm, grabbed my stuff, and walked outside into the pouring rain with no jacket or anything, and walk down to the bus station and wait for the bus going back to RIC.

When I got back to RIC, I sat down outside of the hall door and waited until someone came out. Luckily, it was one of Julianne's suitemates, Leona, and she asked me right away "what the fuck is going on?" She walks back to the suite with me while I tell her what happened with me, and then she told me what happened with Julianne. She's in a children's hospital, and we don't know when she'll be out. Most of the suitemates were really helpful and managed to get one of the empty suites opened up, put a couple blankets in, and got me my stuff out of Julianne's room. So I hide in "Mary Jane's room", all Anne Frank-like. They brought back some food from the cafeteria for me.

Next few days went ok, except for the fact that we were all worried sick about Julianne and were wondering when the fuck she was gonna get out. She was able to call us, but even she didn't know. Leona and I ended up going to visit her at the children's hospital on her last day there. ..Because she was being transferred to Hasbro Children's Hospital.. a children's mental health hospital. Right.. because she really needs to be there, when she should be at school finishing up her year. And again we waited until she got out of there.

Good news is that she got out after a few days, bad news was that someone tipped off the campus police that I was there, and that they were coming back to the suite to look for me and arrest me for trespassing. So the suite phone rings, I answer, and the person on the other end tells me to get the hell out and meet Bonnie (another of Julianne's suitemates) at walgreen's. I threw my computer back into Julianne's room, locked it up, got most of my shit out of Mary Jane's room and locked that up (with a few things left in it.. they could get back in eventually), and got the hell out of there.

Julianne met us there after a little bit, with her dad, and talked about what the hell was going on and that she was going back to her home in New York (a little town south of Albany). She tried to get me to come in the middle of the night and pick her up and we would run away somewhere. I told her that I'd try.

But I didn't try. I called up an internet friend of mine, and friend of Julianne's, but he didn't have a place to crash. So I call up another internet friend. Eronarn. I wanted to meet him at some point, and he was fairly close, living in Connecticut. He was cool with it, and gave me directions.

After I got there, I explained to him what was going on and tried to figure out what to do. Called another a close internet friend of Julianne's, feem, and talked to him about what was going on. I figured he'd know what was going on and have some suggestions as to what to do. He was able to put my mind to rest and to go about it calmly.

I tried calling Julianne, but instead I got her mother.. and then I opened up about Julianne asking me to pick her up in the middle of the night, and I appologized for what was going on and explained that I wasn't trying to take her daughter away. Blah blah "I'm not a threat. I want to be with her and take care of her, with your permission." So I got stuff cooled off with her and somehow got her to like me.

Managed to visit her the next couple days and talk with her parents about my intentions and what we were going to do. Her dad was real cool about what was going on and ended up getting me a motel room (by myself) in their town for a couple nights while we worked stuff out. Then we went back to Rhode Island and stayed in a motel (Her father, her, and I) so that she and I could get an apartment and look for jobs.

So we find an apartment, her father pays the deposit, and then she pays the first and last month. Then we go shopping and her father buys her stuff for the apartment. Afterwards we drove back to her home town to pick up the rest of her shit and her dad gets me one more night in a motel.

So, we move into our apartment. ..Our.. Oh god. WE have an Apartment. So we try to break it in by doing drugs. 2ct2. Urk. Too much body load, not enough mind fuck. Wouldn't recommend it.

By now, we're poor as fuck, sleeping on the floor. First off, get internet. Was supposed to be activated on a thursday, but the dumbass that was supposed to turn it on here didn't... Didn't connect the cable "because it wasn't marked" when it was the only one unconnected... Had to have a second guy come out and connect it and set it up on saturday. Second off, get something to sleep on. She starts selling off some things and we look around for free furniture and get a broken in futon after about a week. Next up get money for rent and food. I started to apply for food stamps, but between the applying and interview, we both got jobs. She got a job at Au Bon Pain, working various hours during the week days, and I get a job at FedEx breaking my wrist and back. Shit's fairly cool now.

She isn't dead.
She was all excited to go back to school in the fall, BEFORE she was ripped out of school and forced to fail classes. Now she's got no ambition to go back to school (or even to finish up her incompletes), and is having even more stress issues than before. At the hospitals, she was diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder. Know why? Because she was forcefully removed from school (one of her worst fears), two weeks before the end of the year, forced to eat food (another fear), kept from doing any real physical activity, unable to go outside.. etc. Hell, the people at Hasbro even told her "you shouldn't be here". They suggested that she see a weekly therapist, so she got a therapist. A social worker. Someone who can't actually do much other than talk to you, which is what she needed. And even she said that the diagnosis was complete bullshit and that she shouldn't have gone through that. The hospitals, and the school therapist caused way more harm, and did absolutely no good. See, this is why shrinks have a bad rep.

Anyways, things are going good now. She's still stressed that we don't have much money, and she wants to do drugs, but things are good. We're both glad to be working, even though she complains that I'm working shitty hours and it's reducing the time we can be together. And I complain that I hurt. But I like the physical work, even if I get bruised and scratched up a bit. (Darn my moderate clumsiness)

I just miss spending all my time playing AO and EvE. I'm contemplating unsubbing from EvE for a month or so, but only as long as my longest skill can train, lol. I also miss Michigan. Mostly because of the air conditioning. Seriously, we got shafted with this apartment.. one window that opens, and no air conditioning. Gay. ...But no, really, I miss a lot of my friends back at home..in Michigan. Wow, am I supposed to call Providence, RI my home now? Weird. I need to call those friends..and my parents.. but these hours are messing with me. I have trouble keeping the days straight. And I miss my kitties :(

Cheap apartment aside, I like it here. I like living with Julianne. I'd better like it, because I'll be stuck here for a year. hehe. But really, I do like it here, living with her, being in a city, working.. Feeling what it's like to be poor.. It's pretty much what I've been wanting to experience for quite a while now. Bed time now, though. ..Christ, it took me an hour and a half to write this thing, and another 15 minutes to edit it.. I need to sleep so that I can work tonight, and get paid. Woop.
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