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This page contains my sales for: Gaming Merch, Accessories, Games
Funko Mystery Minis
Draven 1/36 - $10
BJ Blazkowicz 1/12 - $3
Doom Space Marine 1/12 - $5
MacCready 1/6 - $3
Danse 1/6 - $3 Each
Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth Neca Action FIgure - $35
This figure has a slight paint rub on the nose, which must've happened in production.
Click here to see the image above much larger so you can judge for yourself.
Bioshock Infinite Heroclix Map Set - $5
Contains all the bits in the plastic packaging within the starter set. This includes the map, dice, and other paperwork. I haven't opened it to check.
Assassin's Creed Heroclix Figures - $5 for all 3
Batman Arkham City Kotobukiya Collector's Edition Figurine - $10
One base beg is broken, but unrequired to keep the figure in place. Minor paint rubs on his horns.
Donut Clock - $6
Comes with a dry erase marker, I'm assuming you're supposed to make memos on the clock?
Pusgeen Stationary Set (x2 Available) - $10 Each