yesterday was just an awesome day plain and simple. i went to school and my hair got frizzy which wasn't good and mike put me in a head lock so he could touch my neck because he knows i can't stand it but when i got home my day got so deez. okay so my dad is retired so i get to collect money from his social securty and i've been colleciting since april but just got the check and i thought the check would be like maybe a little over a hundred but no i got 3,415 dollars. i was like HOLY CRAP! so basically i get 600 dollars a month doing nothing and i still never have to get a job =) so after that kathleen called me and asked if i wanted to go to the baseball game and i obviously did! so i get to her house and her mom drives us to meet her dad at the tee and see this was when the fun began haha so me and kath are getting on the tee and we've never been so we're standing and when the train started we were still walking and we literally got propelled forward and nearly fell on our faces and everyone on the train had a nice laugh. i refused to touch anything on the train unless my sweatshirt was covering my hand because well it's really dirty on there. so we get to fenway and me and kathleen have also never been to fenway before and we go in and we had wicked deez seats. we were like diagonal from third base and like 13 rows up. and the people there made my life there was this wicked creepy drunk man who kept getting up and turning his back to the game and just staring at us. then this little kid had one of those beach balls right behind him and he's like looking all over the place for it and finally the kid just throws it somewhere else and he's like WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I WAS RIGHT HERE! and basically scared the crap out of the kid.
so then later on we moved down to the 5th row since people were leaving and that's where i met my new best friend and i think i'll type out the conversation for you because it's a personal favorite of mine.
kath:i think that looks like sam
me:no that's not sam she has longer hair
crazy man: that's not sam you wanna know why? because i know sam.
me and kath:oh okay....
(us geeking out)
crazy man: you guys i don't really know sam i'm just kidding!
us: um we knew that.
crazy man:yeah because sam is a bitch right!?
us:no she's a nice girl.
crazy man: oh she's nice? you're nice too i'm glad you're all nice.
crazy man: so how old is sam?
kath:14 (lying of course because the guy was like a pedophile)
me:yeah we just graduated 8th grade we're barely legal.
crazy man: oh really that's cool
now the crazy man starts giving head nods and thumbs up to his friend while pointing at us and not being discreet at all so me and kath start to geek out again.
crazy man:hey keep the giggling down back there this isn't laguna beach.
kath: i've got some gossip jason and lc are together now.
crazy man:psh that's old news i knew that like a month ago you got it off a blog site
me:yeah! i've got pictures to prove it.
crazy man:what should i google to get those?
kath:um laguna beach?
crazy man:nah i already tried that.
crazy man: i love lc she's so hot.
me:ew i hate her i love kristen.
crazy man: kristen is a fucking bitch.
me: um no i love her lc has no friends.
crazy man:kristen is a whore.
me:well lc has no friends that's why she came home from college.
crazy man: no she came home from college because she got an internship at vogue.
me:yeah well she still has no friends!
and the whole time me and this man are argueing kath's like des let's go c'mon because she knows how intense i get with my laguna. and finally when he left his friend gave me his foam finger red sox thing because he obviously knew i won the argument too.
so then we leave the game and they loss 6-2. bummer but me and kath had to go to the bathroom but we didn't want to go in fenway because the lines were huge and the bathrooms are dirty so we walked to this building that was closed and her dad convinced the security guard to let us use the bathrooms haha we felt like retards and when we started walking back to the train we lost kath in the crowd and just didn't care.
we didn't get home until like 12:30 so i was super tired.
today we had the workshops all day at school. they were kinda fun. i'm so freaking good at the oklahoma slapper napper things haha.
sj was talking to someone who i'm not a fan of so we're like fighting now.
kay that was wicked long kay bye!