i decided at eleven o'clock last night that my room needed to be reconfigured. i don't know why the thought hit me so late on a school night, but i'm hardly one to ignore my inspiration [or my otherwise freakish obsessive-compulsion]. i have unfortunately weighted furniture as well, and since my dad decided to rip up the carpet while i was away
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Comments 22
anyway i got my belly button done at virtual reality tattoos, but you knew that. it's not a bad place but its far and they charged me too much, the guy that did mine was strange...
definitely look at bmezine.com.
i'm going to ask around tomorrow for references and such. i'll let you know when and where i'm going. so you can come with.
A) don't even think of going anywhere besides HTC. If you do I'll give you the hiv myself.
B) the lip does not hurt, at least not when done by the extremely talented piercers at HTC, I didn't even know it had happened.
C) follow the fucking aftercare that, if you go to HTC, will probably be given to you by my good pal Kat who is sweet and nice and very good at her job.
D) tell me when you are going to get it done and we can hang out, cause I don't live very far from either HTC.
I got pierced by Jon, I didn't even feel it, no infection, very professional, and listened to pinback while he pierced me. I can also highly recommend John, you can see a portfolio in the shop, he's world famous and sweet as he can be.
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