Title: Secret
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Five kisses through the years. Angsty. um. idek. I...can't seem to write happy!Jaeho D= Lyrics from Dashboard's Hands Down
and you kissed me like you meant it/ and i knew that you meant it, that you meant it )
Comments 23
my heart is yours to fill or burst
...to break or bury, or wear as jewelry. I guess the continuation of that line didn't need saying out loud; it became pretty clear in the end.
Kudos! Heartbreaking and poignant and cleanly written. Sorry for the comment; I'm not really 100% coherent right now. ^^
The ending was sad and reading the last line "Our secret" Was beautiful.
*having a light heart attack.
but its beautiful. Sad. but a beauty nonetheless.
Lovely, in the heartbreaking way.
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