Translation compilationpandoraheartJune 12 2009, 18:13:32 UTC
You know those translations you did for the Pandora Hearts manga? I was wondering if I could put them on my live journal account - its mostly for private use, but if I do end up sharing them, I promise I'll give credit to the proper people. Basically, I just want to have a spot where I can go and look at all the current things on pandora hearts, instead of constantly chasing after them all on a billion different sites.
Re: Translation compilationsugarspicequeenJune 12 2009, 18:55:57 UTC
I don't mind my translations being used with credit--please note, though, that all I did was translate volume 3 and a few scenes after that; the rest of our translations were done by the Gil-mun (thats_soraven/vianusmiho) and others, so if you wanted anything other than v3, you'll have to check with them.
Comments 3
So, may I?
I don't mind my translations being used with credit--please note, though, that all I did was translate volume 3 and a few scenes after that; the rest of our translations were done by the Gil-mun (thats_soraven/vianusmiho) and others, so if you wanted anything other than v3, you'll have to check with them.
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