so i couldnt sleep, laid in bed for hours just awake, i hate that. so i finally decided to take a break from the hard work of trying to fall asleep... =P and here i am.
i was looking at jeris' lovely show list, looking for something fun to do in the next couple weeks. bah! i am so out of the scene or whatever! lol. no shows i feel any desire to visit at all :( not until the capitol hill block party..we'll see about that. seeing alien crime w/ash this sunday woulda been fun, but im sure that since im a big alcoholic druggie now we wont be doing that together. mm. amina at work today told me she wants to pierce her tongue...but shes worried about dissapointing her mom. thats cute. but before that, she said she decided not to pierce her nose even tho she really wanted too..because danielle and mack (people at work) said it'd look ugly. hmhm. i think she should just do it if she thinks it'll look so cute. she can decide for herself if it looks ugly. well.
who cares anyway, mm? :)
ive decided to make a new journal sometime soon. it's odd, i always wanted to just keep this journal, because i said id want to look back at the calendar and memories of it. but since lj never deletes them or anything, i realize i always will have it, at least for as long as i want it. barring lj exploding off the face of the planet or soemthing equally unlikely. plus i dont have to delete this journal or anything, and i wont. i jtu want to move on to a new one.
im not really sure why, i was just laying in bed and thinking about it. i was thinking about peoples usernames and how i want to change mine and what it could be and all, then suddenly i was thinking i just wanted a whole new journal. i know it prolly sounds crazy...but this one feels...full. it feels like its ready to be put up on a memory shelf, and a new book opened up. i feel like all the pages in this one are used up, and its time for something new. really weird. but fine. i think i even have a new name picked out..but all have to let it sit with me a few days jst to see. i dont know why the whole username is such a big deal to me. if i could have it just be "nicole" i would. but i cant, so i dont know what else to pick. =/ yep. longggg entry..dont worry, im not done yet. :D
tonight chris and i calculated all our bills and such, as the end of the month is creeping up SO fast! bills are due but the 30th, so i need to get them in the mail beginning of next week. if i figured everything out right, i think ill have right about $100 after all the rent/bill paying, to last this coming week and the next. its enough, but not extra. thats just enough for gas, food, etc. speaking of which..i need to add dog food to the grocery list. sheesh, animals are expensive =P Although, i cant spend all that hundred, because our utility bill is probably on its way too. tho we'll of course have a couple weeks for it..but still. better safe then sorry, mmhmm! our bills were pretty much all double what they normally will be according to chris, because they all had installation charges and fees on them, that were all just as much as the service itself! sheesh almighty. annoying. :) isnt this a fun convo?! whee, bills!
danielle and everyone keeps telling me what a great worker i am and how much they love me. and danielle keeps telling me how she tells vickie they should give me a raise. she has gone on about it so much, i almost feel like shes telling me to go ask for a raise!! haha. it makes me wonder if i should =P but i dont think i will.. =/..i wouldnt know what to say. plus i dont need more money desparatly or anything, although it would of course be nice hah.
i freakin wish kids would learn that it is PAID not "payed" which is not even a real word, and LAID not "layed," also NOT a word. if you are unsure. GOODNESS.
anyway. *thinks of what else to talk about* chris invited his mom and little sister (yay! i love her! shes so freakin cute!!) to come up later this week, so that should be interesting. i think they are planning for thursday, which chris has off but i dont. im kind of glad ill be at work the majority of the time, because not only am i a little uncomfortable around his mom still (i really feel like she doesnt like me...maybe its jts how she is or something..but i feel all awkward and crap...i almost feel like when she looks at me shes thinking "that stupid (white! haha chris) girl isnt good enough for my son" :( meh), so not only that, but i think itll be good for chris to spend some time with his fam. just dont ask me how to spell his sisters' name, because it took me long enough to learn how to pronounce it!! :)
ooo, i know who needs to come back to seattle. the donnas! oh, i miss them! damn them and their mtv fame! haha. dont get me wrong, they definitly deserve the attention, i just like it better when i have them more to myself...not these silly sold out crappy shows. :p yah yah. life of rockstars. i wish i could have gone to see blood bros last weekend. was apparently such a hot hot show. dumb work, and all. :)
good thing i dont work until 5 tonight, because by the time i fall asleep...
its really weird, because before i actually went to bed, i was really tired. ugh, hate that. lets seeeee....
my fishy (fredrick) is doing really well! aww, he is so darn cute :) he's always swimming all around his bowl, and through the holes in his rock. he just looks so happy. it makes me really sad for all the bettas that are stuck in a tiny .5 gallon bowl with no plants, rocks, anything. he seems to enjoy his 2 gallons with lots of plants and stuff greatly. however, he seems to have developed quite a picky appetite. he used to eat whatever fish food i put in there; now he ignores everything that isnt the freeze dried bloodworm things. ive tried only giving him the flakes all day long, but he still would never eat them, so i felt bad, gave in, and gave him what he wanted. i didnt want him to starve! so. i think he must be getting lessons from my fat piggy/dog jessie. oh well. he (the fish) keeps making these big bubble nests, and im sad that he doesnt have a girly to help him put eggs in it ;) he seems to work so hard at it! ah well. if i gave him a girl, he might get along with her at first, but im pretty sure theyd be doomed to fight after mating. darn bettas, cant just get along with eachother :)
chris' fish also seem to be doing fine. they've grown some, but still seem really shy and skittish whenever you come to the tank. thats sad. my fish always swims straight to the side and stares at you forEVER if you come over by it. me and chris were joking today that instead of thinking "hello people" when we stand by it and he stares out at us, hes probably thinking "stay the eff away from my tank! ill kill you!" hahhaha since hes such a big tough betta and all. cute. :)
blah blah blah. im worried chris is giong to come home with a 100 gallon tank or something ridiculous like that on his next paycheck. he keeps talking about them. those are so huge!!! his 29 gallon one that he has now is the biggest i can imagine here, and we're only allowed up to 55gallon tanks in the apartment. which, if you dont know, is PLENTY big enough. 55 gallon tanks are huge. chris is just psycho =P i think maybe he should just go live in a fish tank himself perhaps :) lol. aww.
dude! me and chris went to the strawberry festival thursday night after i got off work! it was so great hahaha i forgot to write about it. anyway, it was raining and freezing thursday right. but i wanted to go that day because well first, its half off, hello. like i can afford it any other day? haha. but also because friday and saturday we get off work too late for it to be worth it. so he met me at work at 8 and we drove over (after i drove us to the other side of town since i didnt remember where it was heh.) and headed in. of course i wasnt smart enough to ask chris to bring me a change of clothes or even a coat, so i was all cool, rocking my cristianos gear. carnivals in your work clothes are fun! or somethin hehe. plus i ws freezing...but too bad. we got some tickets and headed into line for ride one. fun! kinda scary. that weird creepy spaceship one where it spins so fast you get literally stuck to the wall and cant move. eep. then we come out and guess what? its decided to start POURING. damn damn damn...heh. i'd have just left, but didnt want to waste all the other tickets. so we went and bought a really yummy hot elephant ear, sat and ate it in the warm car..then raced out to brave the weather and get our tickets worth of rides. they were shutting down a couple of the big scary rides because of the rain...poo. but then one they had previously shut down started running again, and we booked it over and got in line, and were soon on our way to our deaths on the Inverter! ahhh. i thought i was gonna fall out and die. scary upside down rides =P so after that, we were pretty wet..our butts were wet beacuse to sit in the seat you had to sit in the puddle of water that was ever growing =/ then it was on to the last ride....this hang glider ride that was basically like Swings, except you lay down in a hanglider type thing and go around. now, let me just tell you, this ride would get you SOAKED. because it throws you face first right up into the wind and rain, and then of course all the rain runs down your glider thing and literally POURS onto your legs. in pure sheets of water. EEEEP! we got on and it was fun, but when we got off i could hardly move from how wet i was!!! hahaha. it was so cold but so fun :) ran to the car and had to drive back to work cuz we had left chris' car there. once we pulled into the parking lot i thought about how we looked, and was like you know what...we HAVE to go inside (work) and show everyone how soaked we are. they were jst finishing closing up then (10pm-ish). so we went in and it was soooo funny hahhaa. yay. amina came around the corner and hadnt realized what i was doing there, took one look at me, and practically screamed out, "oh my god nicole!! what happened to you?!!!" hahahha it was the best ever. i jtus gave her this sad look and was like....the carnival :( hehehhe. so funny. ah well. had to be there im sure. so then we got back in our nice warm little cars, back to our nice warm little apartment, and into a nice hot shower. with nice hot towels from the dryer to boot. and then into nice warm bed. what a fun day!!! hehehe :)
okay. and now i think id better try and go back to sleep, even tho i am sooOooOoo not sleepy! ack.
lj entries this long should be illegal. at least i just cut it all hehehe. goodnight...err, good morning? ;p
OH!!! freakin PS! NEW HARRY POTTER BOOK COMES OUT TODAY mother effers!! i hope you have your copy on reserve!
hehe. well actually i suck and didnt ever reserve one, but im sure my mommy did. time to visit her? hmm...i think so! haha jk. ill get a copy soon enough im sure :) :) :)