Update Journal - *pick* tags rather than *type* tags
Short, concise description of the idea
I pick existing tags much more often than I create new tags. I'd like to choose from a list of my existing tags.
Full description of the idea
I need only a few tags and only add new tags when I need them.
Presumably, this is the default user behaviour. Usually users will choose an existing tag, while the less common behaviour is to add a new tag. (This makes sense since tags only take on meaning as a *collection*).
I forget what my tags are day-to-day. More commonly, I forget how I spelled them (did I pluralize 'photo' or no? Did I hypenate job-hunt or no?) sometimes I simply mis-type them.
I'd like to see a dropdown list of my tags that I can pick from rather than typing them in each time. If I need to add a tag, there should be an 'add tag' link.
An ordered list of benefits
- faster entry
- caters to more common user behaviour, less to occasional behaviour
- tag collections stay organized, don't get duplicates
- fewer typos
- doesn't change existing interaction, users can use or ignore feature at whim
- very easy and harmless to implement (read only)
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- one database read (user's existing tag list)
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
- The pick list could be implemented without affecting the existing textbox-entry interaction, so veteran users don't have to change their behaviour at all.
- The pick list could be implemented with only a Read from the database, and no need for a Write; it could simply copy the selected text from the listbox into the existing textbox.