Revamp Spellcheck

Dec 10, 2008 11:44

Revamp Spellcheck

Short, concise description of the idea
LJ needs to be able to add words to their own spellchecker's dictionary.

Full description of the idea
LJ's much-beloved (hahaha) spellcheck system needs a massive back-end overhaul. Above and beyond the ability for a single user to add custom words to the dictionary, LJ themselves (or a carefully-selected group such as Support Volunteer Entries admins) should have the power to add words to the dictionary, as the current spell-check solution's dictionary is not under LJ's control. This revisits the following historical suggestion:
An ordered list of benefits
  • People using spell check and using such rare and difficult words as "LiveJournal" and "Obama" will no longer be baffled.
  • Happy users.
  • Dictionary that is not limited to words in common use during the Century of the Fruitbat.
  • People unable to use browser-side spellchecking will be happy.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • May require a whole lot of back-end work for small front-end benefit.
  • More difficult to maintain our own dictionary than have a third party do it for us.
  • Would require a new process for adding new words = more leaky canoes.
  • A whole lot of people use browser-side spellcheck anyway.

spellcheck, § no status

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