Title: Running Circles
Pairing: TaNaka (Koki / Nakamaru)
Rating: G
Genre: Humour/Crack, Fluff
Summary: Nakamaru gets an unexpected workout at Koki's house. Surprisingly, he doesn't complains about it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anybody.
Author’s Note: Guest appearances of Koki's numerous pets! Written for
granity20 for the
Fund-Raising For Hagabat Flood Victims at
help_pilipinas. I'm really sorry for the delay and I hope this lives up to your expectations!
Running Circles
It was supposed to be a KAT-TUN gathering at Koki’s house and Nakamaru can’t really figure out as to why he is the only member that turned up. The rest have cooked up seemingly truthful excuses for being busy but he knows they are all lying when he receives a particular text from Kamenashi.
Message from Kamenashi (to Nakamaru): When do you expect to let the rest of KAT-TUN know about your relationship with Koki?
We’re very understanding and won’t intrude!
So it’s a conspiracy.
Nakamaru deletes that message without replying and knocks lightly on Koki’s door.
“Where’s everybody?” Koki asks with mild bewilderment but Nakamaru is too intrigued to answer Koki’s query. It’s the first time Nakamaru has ever visited Koki’s house (Koki has always been the one dropping by Nakamaru’s place, citing ‘too noisy to date’ as the reason why his house isn’t a good option) and is blown away at the sight of Koki’s pets. Sure, he has heard Koki talk about them countless of times but actually seeing them gives a whole new different feeling.
“You’re amazing to look after each and everyone,” Nakamaru gaps. “Besides cleaning their cages, all of them have different habits and diets…”
Of course, Nakamaru doesn’t voice out his main concern.
How do you find time to hang out with me?
Koki merely gives Nakamaru a happy grin and proceeds to introduce each of his children to Nakamaru.
“Welcome to the family,” Koki concludes when he is done. Nakamaru isn’t really sure if he is ‘welcomed’ when Momo shies away from him and An is busy scratching at her cage. The fishes look disinterested (frankly, Nakamaru can’t tell), Peter would rather chew on his carrot stick and Sakurai and Rai are engaging each other with their toy ball. It’s justifiable that the ferret bit Nakamaru’s fingers when Koki held him out; Nakamaru couldn’t remember his name. The overwhelming number of fishes took up quite a bit of his memory space.
Initially, KAT-TUN had planned for a BBQ. However, with just the two of them, Nakamaru doesn’t think their plan is workable anymore. Nakamaru ends up sitting on a random chair and watching Koki go through his usual pet routine.
It’s difficult not to get envious of Koki’s pets, Nakamaru thinks to himself. They’ve got more attention from Koki than I do.
Koki seems to sense his jealousy when he suddenly stops what he is doing and leans over Nakamaru. This sudden movement pushes Nakamaru into frenzy. He topples over the chair and lends on the floor with a crash. Nakamaru isn’t done nursing his fall when something hits him on the nose, hard.
“That isn’t funny,” Nakamaru scowls and is surprised to find himself face-to-face with Momo.
“She has a thing for your nose,” Koki laughs heartily, not even having the decency to help his boyfriend up. Nakamaru sighs and massages his sore temples.
“Don’t ever sneak up on me,” Nakamaru manages without raising his voice (he doesn’t want to scare the slow loris away; Koki will give him an earful if he does that).
“You were sulking in a corner. I thought I ought to engage you or something like that. An is all restless; maybe you can play with her?”
Nakamaru regrets his decision the moment the fennec fox is allowed to be out of the cage. Brimming with energy, she is darting around the entire house at lightning speed. All Nakamaru could do is to follow behind feebly. After an hour of chasing, Nakamaru truly feels the consequences of age.
“You’re doing fine with An-chan,” Koki comments joyously from behind. Nakamaru jerks in surprise and throws Koki a dirty look.
“You ought to get a better runner, say Ueda, to play with An-chan. Isn’t he great with animals too?”
Koki gives a thoughtful look but says nothing. Catching the fox and putting her back into the cage swiftly, he breaks up into a smirk and inches closer to Nakamaru.
“But now, the animals have expanded their energy properly. Didn’t you notice how they’ve quieten down?”
“That’s true,” Nakamaru replies and retreats a couple of steps instinctively. Koki is getting a tat too close. “But I’m exhausted too.”
“They won’t be posing as a distraction anymore.”
“A distraction for…?”
Koki grabs Nakamaru’s hand without a word and leads him to the back yard.
Nakamaru never expected Koki to prepare a feast while he was busy entertaining An. There’s an assortment of meat (after all, Koki was the one that did the preparations) sizzling away on a grill and a collapsible table-and-chair set. Although put shabbily together, the flowers on the table does their job - Nakamaru can’t remember the last time he has smiled due to them.
“Happy belated birthday, Yucchi,” Koki beams and stuffs an intricately wrapped gift box into Nakamaru’s hands. “I’m sorry An-chan made you work-out but I needed time to put everything in place.”
Nakamaru is suddenly grateful to the numerous pets that Koki owns. Without them taking his attention away, he would never have gotten such a pleasant surprise. After all, no one has spent that much effort on him before.
“Thank you Koki,” Nakamaru croaks as he hastily wipes the tears rimming the corners of his eyes (a man doesn’t cry, especially not when he is already 29).
Koki chuckles and gives Nakamaru a slight kiss on the cheek.
“I hate to leave you alone when you’re crying but the meat really needs flipping,” Koki teases as he moves to tend to the grill. Although Nakamaru protests that it is the smoke which is making him tear, Koki doesn’t buy his story and continues snickering at him.
Message from Nakamaru (to Ueda, Taguchi and Kamenashi): Thanks for being busy today.
~ The End ~