» Name: Megs
» Livejournal Username:
kafigseele» E-mail: enjoy.your.aids @
» AIM/MSN: Pedosaurus Rex
» Timezone: PST; -08:00 GMT
» Current Characters in Route: N/A
» Name: Miria Harvent
» Series: Baccano!
» Timeline: After the Flying Pussyfoot arrives in New York.
» Canon Resource Links:
list of episodes does a really good job at summarizing everything, considering how confusing this series can get.
» Affiliation: Team Rocket grunt!
» Personality: Miria Harvent is very similar to her lover and partner-in-crime, Isaac Dian, in almost every way, which makes sense, really. She's his other half and she completes him; without Miria, Isaac wouldn't be the man he is is today-and the exact same thing can be said for Miria. Together, the two of them plan hilarious heists to such great lengths, only to somehow muck them up. Honestly? Their plans are usually so ridiculous that it's no wonder they don't usually go as planned. That, and the fact that she and Isaac aren't exactly the brightest crayons in the box, lead to a lot of their more humorous interactions with the rest of the cast.
However, they both have this really weird logic that likely only makes sense to them (implying that it makes sense, ever). Being thieves, they are actually... pretty damn creative. When wanting to rob a museum, but realizing that they wouldn't be able to rob the whole thing, they decided to simply steal the door instead-because how could other people be able to go to the museum if there wasn't an entrance? They also stole a bunch of clocks once because they wanted to steal time, and in about 1930, they decided they were going to "steal from the Earth" by mining for gold-even though they were about eighty years too late, because the California Gold Rush had already occurred in the mid-1800s.
These things were rather petty, as far as stealing goes. They'll come up with strange ideas and run with them. Or, rather, Isaac will, and Miria will go through with just about whatever he says out of blind devotion and an equal lack of any real sort of intelligence. In a sense, Miria is more or less the stereotypical "dumb blonde". She doesn't put a whole lot of thinking into what they do, but there are moments where she will question something that Isaac says or does.
Isaac: We've committed eighty-seven robberies these past months. Has there ever been a time that I exposed you to danger?
Miria: Er, about eighty-seven times.
Isaac: ...See? It hasn't even been a hundred yet!
But she's quick to laugh things off and just goes about enjoying her life with Isaac. Miria is definitely more of a follower than a leader, and she has a tendency to repeat the things that Isaac says, as well as
mimic some of his movements.
Much like Isaac, all she wants is for everyone to be happy, as seen when they come to the conclusion to rob the Genoards when Eve mentions that her brother, Dallas, is so obsessed with money than spending time with her. This, of course, means that they have the mafia trailing after them when they're on their way to New York to visit their friend, Ennis. Back in California, they received a letter from her that mentioned how lonely she was, and they were saddened that she didn't have a brother, but they couldn't do anything about that because they weren't her parents. However, they did decide that they would get a souvenir for her when they went to visit her-and ended up giving her Czeslaw Meyer as said souvenir, which worked out surprisingly well.
Miria is extremely friendly, and is good at making people feel better about themselves. She's under the impression that even if you don't think that you're a good person, as long as someone else thinks that you are, then that makes you good. She and Isaac are very protective of their friends-and they have a tendency to befriend just about everyone that they meet, spreading joy without realizing it (as one of the episode titles states)-going so far as to save Czes twice without realizing that he was immortal and was considering killing them.
Not to mention, they're both so dense that it they don't realize until 2001 that they haven't aged a day in the past seventy years. It's a shocking realization, and they decide to celebrate after... having a pretty big, public freakout.
» Strengths/Weaknesses: Miria isn't very smart, but she has her moments-in fact, she fits the "dumb blonde" stereotype rather well. However, together, the two of them can come up with some rather brilliant ideas, as dumb as they might sound to other people. No, scratch that. As dumb as they are. She and Isaac become notorious robbers, though not for the same reason that normal robbers are known for. They're known for dressing extravagantly and stealing ridiculous things like doors and clocks. However, it's their costumes that helps them to elude the police, and soon the FBI, time and time again. They're caught on camera just about every single time, but the people taking all of these pictures simply think that Isaac and Miria are performers or actors of some sort, and are amused by their antics, never realizing until much later that they're thieves.
She have an extensive compassion that spreads to just about every person that she speaks to, giving them the strength and courage that they need to overcome obstacles. Czeslaw Meyer, who was planning on killing them, realized that they truly cared about him, and though he didn't understand why, he let them live. Miria is also an immortal, though she isn't aware of this, and won't be for about another seventy years. But that won't affect her much, here.
Like Isaac, the fact that she's a thief is probably, for the most part, her biggest weakness. And a rather petty thief, at that. They don't steal things that would cause duress among people, but pretty useless junk, instead.
While her compassion could be considered a strength, it could easily be a weakness too. She is extremely trusting of people, and this would make it easy for someone with ill-intentions to use that and take advantage of her.
» Starter:
» Password: The password on the RULES page is "chicken", and the password on the F.A.Q. page is "nuggets"! OH I GET IT LOL 8U
» First Person Sample: [ At first, all that can be seen is half of a face-a single amber eye, mostly-followed by a gasp, before the video pans out. That, or the owner of the eye finally pulls back enough for her entire face to be seen. The woman is a pretty blonde, hair framing her face, and she's grinning widely.
Though, the black hat on her head seems to contrast with the rest of her features. ]
Ne, ne, Isaaac~! Look at this thing! It's like one of those TVs! Or, maybe a radio! Do you know how it works?
[ Everything begins to spin as she turns the PokéGear in her hands. The video eventually catches sight of a small,
sheep-like creature peering up at her with its head tilted to one side, blinking. ]
Waaah! It's amazing~!!
» Third Person Sample: Miria was still kind of confused about what was going on, even after she pulled on her new uniform and was told to head to another room for some sort of Orientation. The first thing she did, however, was get lost in the building while trying to look for Isaac. She hadn't seen him yet, and though she wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box, she was smart enough to realize that she wasn't in Manhattan anymore-even though they'd just arrived there.
So, the important thing was for her to find him, and then they would figure out where they were, and how to get back home so that they could go visit Ennis.
"Iiiisaaaac," Miria called as she walked, hands cupped around her mouth as she searched, pushing doors open and peering inside each one. Four times out of five, she was yelled at to close the door, or someone stormed up to her and took it upon herself to slam the door right in her face. She'd stand there for a couple of seconds, blink, and then move on, calling for her partner.
Eventually, she found her way to the right room-sans Isaac, unfortunately. Everyone seemed to be wearing the same black uniform, though, so Miria was hopeful as she joined the crowd, slowly weaving through it as she glanced around, sometimes getting a bit too close for comfort as she tried to get a better look at each person's face, hoping that maybe he was already here and waiting for her.
Finger pressed to her chin, her attention was soon pulled away from the crowd as a loud voice greeted them, making Miria turn her head. Team Rocket?
The only team she'd ever been on was Isaac's, and it looked like he wasn't there!
Miria's eyebrows furrowed as the crowd was told to approach the front of the stage and receive their first "Pokémon". Not that it was a very long line, and she stared down at the red and white ball she was given, wondering if it would do anything. She turned it over in her hands, index finger accidentally pressing against a button on the front of the ball. Her eyes went wide when she finally realized that something was actually inside of that thing.
A sheep that was clearly much larger than the ball itself.
"Ehh!? A sheep can fit in there? THAT'S AMAZING~!!"