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Sep 10, 2010 11:46

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Comments 21

babypinkgoddess May 9 2011, 08:58:11 UTC
Hi Angela~! I'm Hana :D
Saw your intro post and we are both biased of Stephanie Hwang, Song Qian, and Nana ♥

Add? :3


suhoons May 9 2011, 10:06:24 UTC
Ooh naisu! Okay ^^ Nice to meet you Hana! :D


Friending! angelwinds May 12 2011, 01:22:13 UTC
I'm Angelwinds! I love your icon previews, and absolutely adore Homestuck. I often don't go on LJ, but I have two emails! Would you like to be friends?


Re: Friending! suhoons May 12 2011, 06:21:56 UTC
ahdjkasd finally a Homestuck buddy! ;3; I also noticed you like Warriors too?
Of course I would! (´ー`)ノ❤ Nice to meet you~


Re: Friending! angelwinds May 13 2011, 02:09:29 UTC
I love Homestuck and Warrior cats. I'll mail you my hotmail! =D


Re: Friending! suhoons May 13 2011, 14:00:38 UTC
Same! ^^ Nepeta is basically a mixture of both trolls and cats XD
Okay go ahead~~


chirimenbear May 12 2011, 02:20:25 UTC
Your name is Angela? Mine too.. but I go by Angel.

Love your icons. What program do you use? I use PSP 8.. I had Photoshop briefly but it was too complicated. I don't like programs that I feel like I have to have a huge book beside me while I'm using it. ^^;

Add me?


suhoons May 12 2011, 06:30:54 UTC
Nice to meet you, Angel~ 8D

I use Adobe CS5. I've never used Paint Shop Pro before :O



taminas May 14 2011, 07:45:05 UTC
Hi! *u* We're both following each other's icon comms and tumblrs, and I think we have a lot of the same main fandoms (Homestuck, Starry Sky, Persona, Durarara)! And you seem really nice :'D Would you like to be friends?


suhoons May 14 2011, 12:33:13 UTC
asdfghjkl I love your blog ;3; Oh yes, I'll add you! Thank you~!


taminas May 14 2011, 15:25:38 UTC
dfgjlk thank you! ;w; I love yours as well *A* ♥ and hooray! 8D I'm Belle, by the way~


suhoons May 15 2011, 04:17:49 UTC
Just realized we're the same age~ Hai Belle I'm Angela *3*/


azvix June 8 2011, 04:58:17 UTC
A homestuck fan. I've beening to find one here on lj.*A* I'm following you on tumblr as inmyrayoflight. Mind if we add each other friend? Btw I go by the Tesla on the internet.:3


suhoons June 8 2011, 11:30:55 UTC
Hi Tesla! ^^ I followed you back! It's nice having more Homestuck frans on Tumblr ;w;
How are you?


azvix June 8 2011, 15:40:59 UTC
Yes, yes it it.!<3
I'm doing very well this fine morning. What about you?>w


suhoons June 9 2011, 14:08:59 UTC
I'm doing great~ A bit busy because of freshmen orientations though!
Where are you from, btw?


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