good: I went to the bank 1000 dollars richer than when i woke up today. i got my pay check, my dad payed me back, and i got my refund checks
bad: Target calls at 10 am waking me up telling me i have to come in 2 hours late. the truck was cancelled. thats the ast thing i need. more time to sit around here
ugly: qoute from Clowes 20th century 8 ball "even if you have billions of dollarswhat good doe it do you? are obsessiveg glutony and the accumulation of surplus really valid reasons for living? Sure, you could use your wealth to get girls to fuck you, but you'll neverbut you'll never be able to respect them or yourself. As long as you are rich you will never know if anybod really likes you. Fame recognition, and artistic success are great ego boosters but the true test of acclaim is when it holds up 100 years after you are dead... and think how stupid and illiterate people wil be by then. And what do you care anyway, you'll be dead. Think about it...can you think of anyones life you'd really like to emulate? ever? really?if so ill bet you don't know the whole story ( no not even him, he had bad jock itch). religeon and spirituality seem like the way to go but eventually you will be bowled over by the enormity of the questions at hand and fall into pointless self deception. Try to imagine the perfect life. All your ideal are pretty shallow arn't they? Relationships are no solution... only a temporary diversion at best, an opiatew to ease the pain, an unavoidable biological imparativefraught with emotional peril. Let's face it. the law of averages are dead set against you. Our civilazation is built upon an arbitrarycontrived value system wich effectivly encourages our basest human instincts. As such, it is wrong headed and will produce nothing of true value. Give it up