More poems
The day has come
I want him
I've dreaded this day all my life
But now it's here
I want it
I long for him
I lust for him
I wish he would hurry
If he doesn't I'll help him
I'll do it myself
All day I try to protect my friends
All day long I'm there for them
But when I have something
They don't understand
They never will
Every day I come home to nothing
Only hate dwells here
No love
No acceptance
Not even appreciation
I want out
There's only one way
For once I'm going to be selfish
For once I'm going to think of noone but myself
I don't care anymore
I don't care about the pain I'll cause them
They don't seem to either
I might have a future
But it's certainly not here
I don't want to go on like this
So today is the day
I welcome him
I want him inside me
His blood running in my veins
Only then
Shall I find salvation
Just sitting here
Writing these words
Not living
Untill my heart stops
Got a kiss
Lost my soul
Was send into the world
This purple one I wrote after reading the third HP book, kinda dementorisch, aint it? O who am I kidding, it's not like any one reads it anyway. Next
It's time
Time to go
Time to stop
Time to overcome my fears
I know it's time
I can feel it
I can feel him
I can feel him coming
Coming for me
I don't fear him
I've outsmarted him before
But something tells me today is different
Something tells me I want what he has to offer
Some part of me desires it
Desires him
Especially now
I would give anything for a way out
And I'm going to give everything
As soon as he gets here
That's all for now. Fare ye well, and a good day to ye all.