taking back saturday

Oct 30, 2004 18:11

 i wanna goo too the combalt nov 6
whos going tooo the awsome show tonight with forever mt first  i knoe im not
cause u have to be 18 or older what a guy ass duhhh!!


jon+chels=sex to the MAX

1. hair color - doesnt madder has too look good
2. eye color -  any color
3. height - taller or same size as me
4. flat stomach - uhm yea
5. long or short hair- i dont care hes gotta looke hawt!
6. glasses - Every once in a while.
7. piercings - Yes. Plenty.
8. scars - Little ones.
9. eyebrows - Small, but not too small.
10. big butt or little - I like small.
11. chest size -  haheh DUBBLE DZ lmao...
12. flabby or skinny-   skinny in the middle
13. straight teeth, gap- GAHH GROSS!
14. funny or serious - Both.
15. party or stay at home - at home cuddling

16. should he cook or bake - dont madder
17. should he have a best friend -yea i think everyone has one of those
18. should he have a lotta gurlfriends - I want a guy I can trust, and if I can trust him, yes he should.
19. outgoing or shy - bolth
20. sarcastic or sincere - More sincere.
21. should he love his parents - Yes, if they treat him  right.
22. should he watch action horror- Yeah, id be holding on too him fritghend
23. would he be a smoker- No.
24. would he drink- No.
25. would he swear- Yes, as long as she doesn't mind my bad language.
26. would he play with your hair- Yes. I want to play with  his also.
27. one or more girls  at a time- Fuck no! he'd be all mine.
28. would he pay for dates- psshht better!! 
29. does he kiss on the first date- if  i liked him and he really liked me and we felt it was right yea
30. where would you go to dinner- mckyy des or somewhere kewl like that
32. would he lay under the stars with you- Yes, thats soo romantic
33. would he write poetry about you-  yes....
34. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby- Yes. I am completely in love with the way he just says my name. And the way he calls me 'babe'.. It's fucking breathe taking.
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends-  yea ... why not he knoes m anywhos
36. would you hang out with his  friends- only if he wanted too i would probably knoe em anyways
37. will he walk you to the door at the end- probably if we made it to the door heh .
38. holding hands-  Every moment we're together.
39. soccer- no
40. baseball- no
41. basketball- no
42. football- with me and my friends. Just playing around.
43. polo- Yes, I'd love swimming with him.
44. surf- No just floating in the ocean together.
45. skateboard-   yea .
46. snowboard- If he wants.
47. sing- Yes, he has such a beautiful voice. I'd die to hear him  sing, to me.
48. play guitar- yea
49. play piano- maybe.
50. play drums- Mmm yeah..
51. clean his  room- No. Don't make me feel like the only slob.
52. paint, draw, sculpt- he loves to draw, he just doesn't like her own work, so he's shyishly hides it and shows no one.
53. writes his own music- Yes, writes with me.
54. use the word dude- Yea
55. use the word tight-  yea dat words GANGSTA!!
56. would he watch the sun rise with you- Yes.
57. what kind of car does he drive-  dont care just care if its a car. or we can walk witch is more better
58. how old would he be- older then me...!!
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