So I grew up, until I was 11, in the city of Detroit. I was born, raised, and schooled mostly in the city limits.
My first time witnessing the cruelty that man inflicts on animals, was dog fighting. Our neighbors did it, people in the parkways did it, there were pitbulls everywhere, my whole life growing up.
We saw them beat and put into trunks of
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Comments 4
I love pit bulls, too. When I was younger, I bought into the bs about the breed , it wasn't until one of my friends got a pit puppy and I got to know the breed that I learned what wonderful dogs they are. I wish the public could be more enlightened about them and their plight. I feel the same about stray cats, too, the urban situation with them is horrible, their lives are miserable when they are out on the streets, breeding and starving and fighting.
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