Title: Blood Stained Future
resurrecting_corpse I've realized that this is the longest time that I've ever had an account.
I've deleted my myspace, email addresses, and IM's.
I have too much history to delete this journal . . . yet.
I'll probly delete it eventually.
scratch that.
I will delete it eventually.
I don't wanna be some old shriveled up wrinkled thing with a livejournal.
that'd just be sad.
and somewhat ironic.
yes, I find that somewhat ironic.
I pour my whole life into this thing and then when my life is finally over it gets deleted.
I'll find myself deleting it way before then though.
edit: ah, the double meanings of life.
hm, I'm just thinking about life at the moment.
when am I not?
I see graduation as the death of me.
a part of me that I have known for so long will no longer be able to come out of the shadows and live.
it will be tucked away behind conformist clothing and a smirk and a smile of a pompous business jackass.
I'm slowly by slowly loosing myself in the future.
leaving behind my past.
I can't have it all and I have to move on.
to sound cliche, moving on is the hardest thing to do.
going back to my old ways just to get it out.
to have circumstances fit my lifestyle.
then having them be thrown out into the yard of despair.
a garage sale forthcoming.
within that sale are drawings.
cryptic images.
instances of my life.
images that are only known to the beholder.
sifting through these images I've found that writing is a lot less hazardous.
I could be more fluid and expressive.
I could have a few drops on paper from a quill and call that art.
randomized but oh so perfect for the way that I am feeling.
drip drops of blood ink stains on a piece of paper form the lifelines of my life.
connect the dots to take a journey through time.
see all the events from birth to death.
written in blood.
forever stained.
a will and testament to the life I lead.