blahh. i hate seeing that picture of that dog below everytime i go to livejournal. im going to take it off. the moon was red tonight. i immediately thought about revelation, and the Bible saying something about the moon turning blood red. so, yeah
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oh crap. i did this for like a whole day when i heard about it. now i just remembered it.
i hope you understand that typing in random picture addresses is awesome. you get to see into these peoples lives. and theyre usually ridiculous lives.
"Maybe i pushed you away. Now youre gone and im afraid that youre never coming back this way again."
I couldve given the drummer a hooded sweatshirt if Id have remembered. but now hes gone and im afraid that hes never coming back this way again. hah
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Hhhh. A lot. Almost too much. It would be great to get a dryer. It would be great to have enough money. It would be great to have help. But God provides. He has so far and I know He will continue.
maaaan. todays bests include: Running Javier, Riley, and Nuccio. todays worsts include: bad news, feeling empty, feeling like i have no idea whats going on at all for the first time in a year and a half
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