check it

May 11, 2005 20:13

so im obsessed with bikes... as everyone who is close to me knows. and FINALLY i have some pics D00d!

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Comments 8

joeyready May 12 2005, 07:32:42 UTC
yeah buddy


cleverdisguise May 12 2005, 18:30:15 UTC
haha I didnt know that!!! I RACE!! Right now I am riding a Lemond Triumph. I wish I would have known that when I lived there I would have liked someone to ride with.


andthenyoudie May 12 2005, 19:55:18 UTC
do you have any pictures of your lemond triumph? i ride a lemond tourmalet right now and love it. i haven't heard of a triumph, and can't find it on their website. is it older? road bike, right?


cleverdisguise May 16 2005, 08:04:18 UTC
Yeahthe triumph is a classic reissue, I ride it for pleasure. I race a Lemond Nevda City. I will take some pictures and post them up on my journal.


andthenyoudie May 12 2005, 19:53:58 UTC
like i don't see this shit enough.


ashernumberfour May 12 2005, 23:56:57 UTC
alright you prick. youve got two nice ass bikes. we get it. how about you send your friend who has a shitty bike some parts now that you have TWO BIKES. fagtard.

ps -- i think i might REALLY start apprenticing soon!


ashernumberfour May 12 2005, 23:59:55 UTC
by the way. your new bike looks awesome. gimme the run down of the components on there, i cant really tell. what inch gear are you spinning, what size is it, whats the fork made of etc etc..


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