Mod Post: FAQ

Aug 13, 2011 23:59

We have done our best to provide as much information as possible about what will be happening in this challenge.

Below are a series of questions we've already answered.

What is a big bang challenge?
A big bang is a collaborative challenge that involves both writers and artists. All fic and art will be created within a time frame issued by challenge moderators. Fics written for the challenge must be at least 15,000 words.

Can I do a crossover?
Absolutely! However, at least one of the main characters must be from Suits.

Can I write RPF fic for this challenge?
Yes, RPF is allowed.

How do I sign up?
There are sign-up posts located in the main community. There are separate posts for writers, artists, and betas. Go to those for further directions.


What kind of pairing/genre can I write about for this challenge?
All pairings are allowed as long as at least one character in the main pairing of the fic is from Suits. All genres and subjects are allowed as long as warnings are provided for possible triggers and kinks. You may write het, slash, or gen.

There is a minimum word count. Is there also a maximum word count?
No. As long as your fic is at least 15,000 words and completed it will be accepted.

May I use a WIP for my submission?
WIPs are accepted only if they have not previously be posted online. If you've already been working on a fic and have not posted parts of it online already then you may use it as your submission.

Does my fic need to be beta read?
Absolutely! This is a must for all writers. There will be a beta post provided where people can volunteer to beta read fics. However, if you already have a beta you already work with, you may use them.

Can stories be co-authored?
Yes, more than one author is allowed for submissions.

May I write more than one story for the challenge?
Yes. Authors are limited to two separate stories for this challenge. That includes any co-authoring.

Do I have to use one of the prompts from the community prompt post?
No. You can write about whatever you want. Prompts are provided for inspiration, but are not a requirement to participate.

My fic wasn't claimed by any artists.
All writers will get an artist paired with their story. If there are more artists than writers, a second round of claims will take place. If an artist drops out, there will be a sign-up post for pinch-hitters.


What kind of art may I submit for the challenge?
All forms are acceptable. Drawings, paintings, book covers, wallpapers, fanmixes, fanvids, etc.

How many pieces do I have to submit?
You can submit as much as you want, but you have to submit at least one piece. If you choose to submit more than one piece, you can submit a combination of mediums.

I was late to claims and there aren't any fics left to claim.
Don't worry! If there are more artists than writers, there will be a second chance to claim a fic.


How will writers know to get in contact with me to beta read their story?
In the beta sign-up post, there will be a form provided for you to fill out. In that form you will provide contact information.

What if I don't want to beta a particular story?
You're welcome to turn down any requests you get at your discretion. However, it is important to put down all possible issues you might have with particular triggers/kinks in your sign-up form so certain authors will know not to contact you.

Can I still sign-up as a writer/artist if I sign up to be a beta?
Yes, you're still more than welcome to be a part of the challenge as a writer and/or artist if you put your name on the beta list.


How are writers and artists paired up?
All writers and artists who wish to participate must sign-up in the correct sign-up post. Writers will then begin work on their stories. Once drafts are due, a list of summaries will be put up in sbbartists. Artists will then claim which story interests them the most. Claims are first come, first serve. Once every fic is claimed, artists will be given a second chance to claim a fic. You may only claim one fic until every artist has one. Then the submitted draft will be emailed to the artist. After that, they will have a period of time to create as much art as they want.

Where do I post my story?
You may post your story anywhere including your personal LJ, Dreamwidth, AO3, etc. However, you must post a masterpost on suitsbigbang with links to the story and art. Art should be posted in a separate post from the story.

May I post my story/art early?
No. All stories will be given a posting date. It is up to the author to post their story on that date along with the art provided and not before. Artists are allowed to post their art anywhere else during the posting process. They will be able to respond to any and all feedback they get in the posts made by the authors.

What if I normally post my fic as friends only?
You must leave all stories public for as long as the posting period for the challenge lasts. After that you can do whatever you like with it, but let's give everyone a chance to read it.

What's the timeline for the challenge?
August 14-21: Prompting period
Aug. 14-Sept. 10: Writer sign-ups
Aug. 14-Sept. 15: Artist sign-ups
Aug. 14-Sept. 20: Beta sign-ups
Oct. 1: Author check-in (mandatory)
Oct. 22: Rough drafts and summaries due
Oct. 24: Summaries posted for artists claims
November 7: Artist check-in (mandatory)
Dec. 3: Submission of final drafts and art
Dec. 9: Posting begins

If there's a question you have that hasn't been addressed yet, feel free to comment this entry or shoot us an email at and it will be answered to the best of our ability.

mod post, q&a

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