Title: Body Icing Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kyumin Genre: Romance, smut, humour Summary: Kyuhyun has a treat for Sungmin. A/N: Suppose to be for my birthday, but I got “kidnapped”.
I will save this for my Kyumin smuts-deprived times, okay? Since I know that it will absolutely fulfill my needs HOHOHO I sound so horny and perverted xD
Oh no, please don't spot me :( I can never hold my promises and only read sth if I decided it myself while a spot practically forces me to read an comment it >.< I want to keep reading your stuff, so don't spot me, okay? haha sounds weird^^
Good job. ♥ Totally hot. *-* I liked Sungmin suddenly turning aggressive, because he doesn't really look like the type to be. Ohh, and I absolutely enjoyed the breakfast scene. XD Especially Yesung's "Ma boo" and feeding Ddangkoma lettuce pancakes. For some reason, for about 5 minutes or so, I couldn't stop giggling like an idiot over lettuce pancakes. My sister even gave me weird looks and said it wasn't even that funny. XD Idk. Forgive my rambling. Really enjoyed your work and I'm looking forward to more. ♥ :D
I just woke up because I have morning class today and I was sooooo sleepy. But then when I read your smut.. I feel alive again xD *duh, am I exaggerating?* xD This is souw haaawt! And euuuh minnie is so cute, and kyuhyun you horny bastard xD Hahaha hae bottoms! They are all just sooo cute..and hawt xD
Comments 20
and Kyu asking for their "help" is amusing me. XD
that was hot!
I never knew such thing exists. thanks to victoria's secret. haha
the last part is funny.
poor Hae. :))
Oh no, please don't spot me :( I can never hold my promises and only read sth if I decided it myself while a spot practically forces me to read an comment it >.< I want to keep reading your stuff, so don't spot me, okay? haha sounds weird^^
Oh my, someone's needy ;)
I'm sure Kyumin would love to help you out!
This is souw haaawt!
And euuuh minnie is so cute, and kyuhyun you horny bastard xD
Hahaha hae bottoms!
They are all just sooo cute..and hawt xD
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