Title: Red Hot Mess [Drabble]
Pairing: Kyumin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour, romance, hinted!smut
Summary: Due to SS4, Sungmin loves his red lipstick...too much.
A/N: I'm not officially back, this just came to mind.
Flash! Flash! Flash! went Sungmin's phone as the small man snapped multiple selcas of himself with his lips painted a brilliant red.
No, he was not gettting ready to cosplay Marilyn Monroe like he had been at SS4, but instead was clad in nothing more than one of his pink one piece dresses, almost ready for bed when his eyes landed on the little black tube on his dressing table. Uncapping it, he turned the tube to reveal a beautiful shade of red lipstick, the exact shade Marilyn Monroe had used in all her photos.
Unable to resist the pretty cosmetic item, Sungmin then found himself in front of his mirror, carefully tracing the shape of his lips with the tube until they were perfectly lined.
"So lovely!" He smiled into the glass, admiring how the color brought out the beauty of his lips, bringing out their perfect heart-shape, and the glossy finish made them look plumper and more kissable. The bright shade of red even brought out the milky-white perfection of his skin, the foxy sparkle of his eyes, and the silkiness of his hair.
"I need a few selcas of these babies!" he squealed as he grabbed his phone, positioning in front of his face as he snapped a number of selcas of himself in red lipstick.
"Oh how can one be so beautiful in just lipstick alone?" He crooned to himself as he went through the photos, thanking God for gifting him with a porcelain-faced beauty that was his own.
"Looks like Heechul's beginning to rub off on someone," piped a voice that interrupted his thoughts.
"Kyu you're home!" exclaimed Sungmin as he ran over to embrace Kyuhyun, returning from another night at MBC's Radio Star.
"Hi to you too," smiled the maknae as he cupped Sungmin's face in his hands and brought their faces closer, molding their lips together in a passionate kiss.
"Mmm," was all Sungmin could respond with as Kyuhyun sucked on his lower lip, nibbling it before breaking the kiss, his expression not so pleasant.
"Minnie, are you wearing lipstick again?" asked Kyuhyun as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, smudges of red evident on the skin.
"That answers my question," the maknae muttered.
"Well, I can't help it, I look so pretty with it on!" exclaimed the smaller man, beaming.
"Uhh if by "pretty" you mean a red hot mess, then sure?" answered Kyuhyun questioningly.
"What do you mean by that?!" snapped Sungmin. Kyuhyun only pointed towards the mirror silently.
"Ok, I don't know what you mean, but I look perfectly - Oh my goodness!" exclaimed the latter. His once-perfect lips were now a red hot mess of smudged lipstick.
"Oh come on, they were perfect before!" whined Sungmin as he plopped down on his bed, his lipstick-smudged lips pulled into a frown, the maknae taking his place next to him, wrapping an arm around the smaller man.
"Why do you have to be so damn handsome for?!" cried Sungmin as he shrugged off Kyuhyun's arm, making the latter giggle.
"Same reason why you're so damn beautiful, without all that red stuff of course," answered Kyuhyun.
"But I can't help wearing it, it makes my lips look so pretty!" pouted Sungmin even more. Kyuhyun sighed, and turned his boyfriend's face towards him so they were staring right into each other's eyes.
"Minnie-ah, how many times have we been through this? I fell in love with you because you're Lee Sungmin, the cute and sexy man who loves sweets and all things sugary and can kick anyone's ass if they mess with him. Ok, I'll admit it, you do look really hot with that lipstick on, hands down, but remember I love the Sungmin who I can kiss without having to use lipstick to look beautiful, alright?" he finished. Sungmin couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement.
"Just like how I'll always love you, you handsome, cheesy game nerd," Sungmin retorted back with a giggle, earning a warm hug from his lover.
"And no offence Min, but lipstick doesn't taste very good either, let alone create a mess on our faces," added the maknae with a cringed expression.
"True, it looks nice but not very taste. I'l stick to flavored lip glosses then."
"Uhh how about just leaving your lips free of any cosmetic product?"
"That works too!"
Kyuhyun turned his head, giving his lover a quick peck on his cheek before breaking his embrace.
"Now can you please wash that lipstick off your face? If you do I have a surprise for you," he added.
"Surprise really?! Ouu ouu what is it?!" exclaimed Sungmin as he bounced in his seat like a bunny.
"I can't tell you, then it won't be a surprise anymore!" retorted the maknae.
"Aww can you at least give me a little hint?" pleaded the elder, batting his eyes lovingly at the younger.
Kyuhyun frowned at him for a moment, but then that frown turned into his world-famous sexy smirk.
"How about you let me turn you into a red hot mess then?"
Upon hearing that, Sungmin made a beeline for the bathroom.
A/N 2: Got my inspiration from the lovely Marilyn Mingroe. Admit it, we're all jealous of his perfect lips that don't look like a clown's with red lipstick on.
I know, I've been gone for a very long time, but life is getting really hectic now, which is why I'm sad to say that my chaptered fic will now be discontinued. I hardly have time to write a one-shot or even a drabble, and I think I was rushing into writing a chaptered fic too soon. I'm really sorry to the readers who had supported the fic up to its second chapter, but the story will have to end here. If anyone is willing to take the fic under their wing and complete the rest of it, that's alright as well, and I'll give you the credit to do so. If not, then I'm really sorry about it.
That's all for now, so hope to write again soon!
~ Lizzy