Title: The One I Love Rating: G Genre: Romance, fluff Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Sungmin wakes up to a special surprise from Kyuhyun. A/N: Happy New Year everyone! Let's hope for a year of love, laughter, and of course, more Kyumin fics!
"Shut up Kyu! Your face isn't even worth that much, I mean look at all the pimples you have!" ~so funny! LOL Minnie is being meanie just bec. he has flawless skin. LOL
Kyu is sooo cheesy! LOL and the members eavesdropping on them is hilarious! LOL they don't know anything about privacy. keke cuteeeee!♥
Happy Birthday to my hubby Sungmin oppa!♥ I still can't get enough of his uber HOT look on mbc gayo. kya~!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.................KyuMin ftw This is so funny and so cute!!! "That's great, but I would like to live to see our wedding day if you don't mind," came Kyuhyun's choked-up voice"---> deabak
Comments 5
~so funny! LOL Minnie is being meanie just bec. he has flawless skin. LOL
Kyu is sooo cheesy! LOL
and the members eavesdropping on them is hilarious! LOL
they don't know anything about privacy. keke
Happy Birthday to my hubby Sungmin oppa!♥
I still can't get enough of his uber HOT look on mbc gayo. kya~!!
This is so funny and so cute!!!
"That's great, but I would like to live to see our wedding day if you don't mind," came Kyuhyun's choked-up voice"---> deabak
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