First, I want you to read this carefully:
You don’t have to make new account for role playing. Just use your role userpic, tag and put the name on the subject every time you post something, so we can recognize who you are. And any official userpic for role play should contain “SJ” letter.
Any entries with no official rp userpic, tags and name will be deleted without warning.
Here's the posting tutorial. It will be edited and beta-ed later.
Posting an entry.
1. As we're using the members point of view (POV), please use "I" instead of
"Eunhyuk" or "Kangin" when you post an rp entry. We have two ways to write
an entry, you may choose whether you want to use RP1 or RP2 style [see the examples below], and put it on the subject before your name.
2. You may create your own plot and timeline.
3. Don't forget to add proper tags.
4. If your entry contain OOC words, it should be written like this [OOC: your text here].
5. Don't forget that all RP entries should be friend locked.
here's some examples:
1. RP1 style, me as Eunhyuk.
subject: [RP1][Eunhyuk] (you may add title here)
Last night I find this picture on (credit goes here) A PICTURE OF DDDDONGHAEEEE...! You should be proud, Donghae-ah! I searched all over the entries there after that, hoping to find mine, but there isn't any... T_______________T Why's ELF hating me???
Also, I'm kinda miss Hanggeng-hyung and Kibummie... We can't meet quite often recently because of different schedule and some other things. Hanggeng-hyung! I miss your beijing fried rice! We should let Teukie-hyung prepare the breakfast here and he really isn't good at cooking. The taste... Aish... T^T etc etc etc
[OOC=ELF hates Eunhyuk??? xDDDD Silly me.]
2. RP2 style,
teukielove as Eeteuk.
subject: [RP2][Eeteuk] (you may add title here)
I went to the studio, irritated that I wasn't able to talk to the manager. A few of other members were there, but I just plopped down beside Kangin, sighing fearcly.
Posting comments
1. Make sure you have read the entry carefully and don't miss any single thing, because you should post your comment based on the plot, RP writing style and timeline of the entry. Meaning, you have to use RP1 comment on RP1 entry and RP2 comment on RP2 entry.
2. USE YOUR OFFICIAL RP USERPIC FOR POSTING RP COMMENTS. Any comments with no official rp userpic will be deleted without warning
3. Read other comments on the entry first before posting yours to keep the plot.
4. You may reply other comments, but again, please keep the plot.
5. OOC words should be written like this [ooc: your text here]
6. If you find any RP1 comment on a RP2 entry, or RP2 comment on RP1 entry, DON'T REPLY IT.
Here's some examples based on the entries above:
1. RP1 style, comment to me as Eunhyuk.
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa...! *prouds, prouds* That's because I'm more popular than you! Don't kill me. xP
I totally agree with you about Teukie-hyung. Hanggeng-hyung! Save us! etc etc etc
Yah Eunhyukie-ya! Why don't you miss me, too??? I searched all over the entries and found some fanarts (it's called fanart, if you don't know) of me, too. Less than Shiwonnie's, but still... etc etc etc
[OOC: I don't hate him, but I love Heechul better than him xDD]
Hyung, if Teukie-hyung find out, you'll be so dead... etc etc etc
So this is what you're thinking about my cooking??? And you said 'this is great' whenever you eat it. Lie is not good a good thing, Eunhyukie-ah... And as a punishment, you won't have a dinner tonight.
How could you find a site like that? Wah, I'll go and search my... what? Fanart??? Yeah, that fan-thing. I'm sure mine will be more than Shiwonnie... etc etc etc
[OOC: Is Teuki's cooking skill that bad??? *wondered*]
[Sungmin to Eeteuk (reply to Eeteuk's comment)]
But Teukie-hyung... I should say I agree with Hyukjae in this case... mianhaaaaeeeee...! >.< etc etc etc
-and so on-
2. RP2 style, comment to
teukieloveas Eeteuk.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked, seeing that Eeteuk was irritated and the always present dimple was being covered up by a frown. etc etc etc
[Eeteuk to Kangin (reply to Kangin's comment)]
"I wasn't able to see the manager." I pouted and then leaned on the larger boy's shoulder. "Comfort me before I punish someone." etc etc etc
"Why do you want to see the manager?" I asked curiously, joining the conversation. etc etc etc
[OOC: LOL why do I smell Shounen-Ai here??? XD]
[Kangin to Shiwon (reply to Shiwon's comment)
"Yah, why don't you go over there and continue practice our new dance?" I gave Shiwon a sign to join Shindong and the others across the room. etc etc etc
[OOC: Shounen-Ai is LOVE xDDD]
-and so on-
EDIT [March, 14 2008]
1. If someone breaks the rules, mods will give him/her a warning by leaving comment with "WARNING" as the subject and message about which rule you've been broken. You have 3 days to fix your entry/comment after receiving this warning. If you don't fix it after 3 days has passed, your entry/comment will be deleted.
2. If you forget to use your RPuserpic when you post something, edit [if it's an entry] it immediately [see no.1] or delete [if it's a comment] it first then repost it later within 24 hours or your entry/comment will be deleted by the mods without warning.
3. Poin no1 and no2 are for any comment posted after March, 14th 2008.
that's it for now. Have I said it clearly enough? Feel free to ask me if you still miss some points.