Jul 03, 2007 22:10
Okay, everyone! Now, I’m serious -
You, generally, need 10 votes for an application to be considered for stamping. I will, however, make exceptions, especially if the votes are unanimous or close. For example, if an application has 7 votes, and 6 are for, say, Sungmin... I’ll let it slide, since even if the application got 3 more votes, Sungmin would still win.
A couple more things:
1. It’s NEVER too late to reply to one of these posts. Nevar! If you’ve come across this post months and months later, you can still comment! I get e-mailed all the comments, so I’m sure not to miss it. X] Plus, I can make the other mods help too~
2. Your application will MOST LIKELY NOT BE STAMPED if you don’t comment here. I simply don’t have the time - and few do - to comb through alllll those pages and try to find applications that have the 10 votes. By commenting, I assume that you actually care about getting stamped. :D Far too many people post their applications and desert.
4. When commenting, please include a link to your entry, and preferably how many votes / what characters you have been voted so far. Makes things easier.
5. If you want to, while voting on other people’s entries, you can do a little bit of "advertising" and comment with a link to your application in addition to your vote. It kind of... spurs people into action, you know? Returning the favor of voting.
If need be in the future, I'll be posting a "COMMENT HERE IF YOU NEED MORE VOTES" post, but hopefully this community'll be active enough that we don't have to resort to that.
#mod post,
#stamping post