Title: Snapshot author: suju_shinki pairing: yoosu genre: drama, fluff, comedy, boardingschool au length: 4/? summary: Junsu has a boyfriend. And he has Yoochun
"At the start of his goodbye Do you ever realize That you never get the chance All you get is alibis When smoke begins to fade And you're standing face to face Does he kiss you in the way to say You're the other woman The other woman" - my head
Are you going to torture Yoochun? Please tell me yes. I loved Besties a lot cause of the tension between Junsu and Yoochun and the fact that Yoochun was head over heels and stuff. I love it when Yoochun's the "girl"
haha 'the other woman' oh yoochun... you should've said... 'no, let's just be friends' i wonder how long before someone's heart gets broken?- besides jae's
Ahh, so complicated~ They must be so confused, bless em :( And poor Jaejoong, going around like a zombie!! T____T *huggles him* I hope he ends up happy... Looking forwards to the next chapter :)
Comments 58
Do you ever realize
That you never get the chance
All you get is alibis
When smoke begins to fade
And you're standing face to face
Does he kiss you in the way to say
You're the other woman
The other woman"
- my head
your fault.
haha 'the other woman'
oh yoochun... you should've said... 'no, let's just be friends' i wonder how long before someone's heart gets broken?- besides jae's
And poor Jaejoong, going around like a zombie!! T____T *huggles him* I hope he ends up happy...
Looking forwards to the next chapter :)
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