Title: Snapshot author: suju_shinki pairing: yoosu genre: drama, fluff, comedy, boardingschool au length: 11/? summary: Junsu has a boyfriend. And he has Yoochun
So sweet and nice and cute and sexy and and and *o* That last scene was amazing and I thought my heart was going to stop! I am still afraid something will go bad...idk..that necklace thing is weird and omg please junsu don't ruin everything >_< Keep it up this fic is awesome♥
Comments 41
That last scene was amazing and I thought my heart was going to stop!
I am still afraid something will go bad...idk..that necklace thing is weird and omg please junsu don't ruin everything >_<
Keep it up this fic is awesome♥
i still don't really trust him ._. junsu, you hurt yoochun and i will castrate you, foreal. because jaejoong won't. because he doesn't even exist.
hot blow job is hot
and i wonder if I can get Yoochun to make me a copy of that picture
*hugs you*
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