Title: You Once Said
Pairing: HaeHyuk
Side-pairing: Kyumin.
Ratings: R to NC-17
Genre: AU ,Angst, Romance, Drama and more
Summary: Falling in love is a wonderful feeling.... Hyukjae knew how it fells. Keyword: knew
Warning: Rape!
PS: Can someone make me a poster for this fic? I fail at everything Photoshop.
You Once Said )
Comments 43
im really excited for your fic XD
thanks for the prologue^^
So don't let my interest slip away :P
Not that it will xDD kekeke~~
Will be waiting for your wonderful update then ^^
till then *flies away*
its been awhile since i havent made one.
what kind of poster do u want??
do i only feature eunhyuk and hae?
or do i have to put kyumin in the poster too??
lol.sorry for asking so many questions..
btw im justine ^^
hope you like it..
i was actually going for a dark theme poster since the fic contains rape..
but whenever i saw your layout.. it irks me to do a cute/light/refreshing theme instead xD ide..
so anyway. here's the poster :D
pls re-upload the pic on your own pic hosting site :) thanks!
( ... )
XD Did my layout just made u do that? Hmmm I don't know if it's a good thing since I'm supposed to make people cry lol. But yeah, I'll try to update as soon as possible. Thanks Justine (btw, unique name) my name is Noelle but u can call me Ellie or Pixie :)
what do u mean by u make people cry?
lol. my name isnt unique! yours is! :D
btw. nice to meet u ^^ Can i call u pixie?
pixie unnie? :D wait are u my unnie? im 17. lolz.
btw im a girl. some people have mistaken me as a boy.. because of my name T_T lmao.
isnt the poster too bright for the pic?? D:
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