NEWS in Popolo 2008.01 - part I

Dec 28, 2007 16:22

Taking advantage of winter break to catch up on various news. With the slow PC comes the slow catching up, so I'm still one month behind on all fandom related stuff T_____T
But, yesterday I came across some scans of NEWS in 2008.01 Popolo. Something caught my eye in Tegoshi's interview so I decided to read it, and ended up actually being able to read and understand 99% of it! And when I'm excited about understanding something, I share ^^v

Demo, gomen ne. Since my time is limited I won't be able to post all members' interviews at once (^^;) I'll post em up as soon as I can, one by one This way I'll have an excuse to have you visit my journal more often XD.

'nuff with the ranting, on to the translation.

imgs for reference

scan credits: murasakisun
Original scans here.

NEWS major thanks giving 2007 - Thank you for my dearest members!

To say it again is embarrassing but.. always thank you.

From now on, let's have fun all 6 of us!

With the beginning of the year 2007 was the NEWS that resumed its activities. 6 persons that "more than before, have become able to express to each other what they want to say".

Looking back at this year, we talked about the members' feelings of gratitude.

[I'll be going in order of the scans as they are in murasakisun san's post, so #1 is ...]

Tegoshi Yuya
"To me, Yamashita kun is the highest rival".

DEAR Yamashita kun
"From now on is the start". On the first day of the tour, he said so to everyone on stage. Because of Yamashita kun's words I can always do my best.
-Tegoshi Yuya [I was about to sign it Yamashita Yuya XD]

From Tegoshi Yuya to Yamashita Tomohisa, "thank you"

By the words of Yamashita kun, this year as well I was encouraged

As I thought, in 2007 the one that brought NEWS together was Yamashita kun, and I myself was really encouraged! With Yamashita kun just being there the members settle together. Always saying things like, "let's do our best ne!" so naturally, with that I can really work hard! This year we had the tour that we hadn't done in a really long time. On the first day, Yamashita kun said to everyone on stage, "from now on it's our start again ne", from that point the stage rised. Those memories still linger na.
Moreover, this is also related to the tour. Though the meals were "viking" mode (smorgasbord style of eating) [1], Yamashita kun would bring the members their portion of side dishes. Thank you for that (laugh)! Everytime, in order to be able to get everyone's share, he'd pick up a lot of side dishes ne.

Supreme leader, highest rival!

Yamashita kun has a lot of things he's proficient at, so I'd like to steal even a little bit of what could be stolen! Ever since entering NEWS I've been following Yamashita kun. Meaning, to me, Yamashita kun is the best leader and the highest rival ne!
While watching the drama "PROPOSE daisakusen" as well, in which Yamashita kun appeared this year, the times I thought "sugoi na~" were many yo. When busy, doing many things all in a careful manner, without omitting anything, is amazing I think ne. It's not something simple to do, don't you agree? I think I should learn that kind of attitude too, ne. This year, I'm much obliged to Yamashita kun in many ways. Continuing for a long time, for next year as well, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Always thank you! From me as gratitude a promise in public!
I'll treat you to a meal!
Because Yamashita kun and I still haven't gone out to have a meal only the two of us, I'd like to treat Yamashita kun to things he likes! At that time, I wonder what the both of us will talk about. I'm looking forward to it!

Recent situation column: NEWS sticking out of bounds
Because of playing the guitar too much, a blister...
Recently I've been entirely playing acoustic guitar yo! I've practiced too much that blisters have come on my hand. It quite hurts (laugh)!

Tegoshi Yuya
Born 1987.11.11, Kanagawa prefercture.
Blood type B.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Next members: [ Yamapi->Massu~ ][ Massu~->Shige ][ Shige->Koyama ][ Koyama->Ryo ][ Ryo->Tegoshi ]

- - - - - - - - - - -

[1] "viking" mode (or smorgasbord style) is an assortment of foods starting with herring or smoked eel or salmon etc with bread and butter; then cheeses and eggs and pickled vegetables and aspics; finally hot foods; served as a buffet meal. [from]

with that the start of a tiny unexpected project ^^v

tiny note on side:
remember the East-West-North-South TVGuide interviews? remember I was translating those? I'm missing the South version XD I only looked in news_jpop and couldn't find the scans. Anyone has them, or knows where they are for sure? I could look in boys_paper, but that would take a while and I'm not even sure they're there ^^; (<-- being super lazy XD)

second tiny note on side:
every time I post something it ends up being about NEWS XD and every time that happens I promise myself that the next post would be about Arashi, but that never happens XD Actually, I did wanna post something Arashi-related, but I can't find it anymore >< hope I find it soon. If I don't, I'll just get me something else to flail about ^^ I need some renewed Arashi excitement in my life ^^v

jpop, translation:2008, translation:mag, mag:popolo, news:tegoshi, news

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