[translation] Yamapi in Myojo 2010.10 (+ omake)

Aug 26, 2010 18:32

In his August 20 nikki entry, Yamapi told his fans to read this month's Myojo.
So here it is, fresh from the press ^_^

Huge thanks to yamapi85 for the scans. And special thanks to watchful21.
Please do not re-post. Linking back is fine ^^

in Wonderland

Coincidences that change destiny, inexplicable mysterious experiences, endowment with special abilities... NEWS who debuted singing 「Kiseki okose!」 [cause a miracle!]. A collection of real miracles that seem like lies ♪ (There's one lie...).

Non-fictional fantasy STORY
Kiseki no Kiseki (Track of miracles)

Yamashita Tomohisa
Becoming one part of everyone's lives... I want to make a lot of such experiences!

【Ghosts irritate me!】 When summer comes we start telling many scary tales. I understand telling each other such mysterious experiences, but I simply do not understand the meaning of wanting to go to a haunted house! No, it's not that I'm scared. If I'm told to go in, I go in. But they're made to frighten people, so you'd definitely get scared, right? Wouldn't you get irritated at that then! What a surprise (wry smile). It's not that I don't like them because they're scary, it's that I don't understand the mentality of going out of my way to pay money to people who lie in wait for me to scare me (declamation).

【Limited efficiency of biological clock】 When I set the alarm clock before going to bed, I often wake up at the exact time I was planning on getting up. Also, if I wake up in the middle of the night and think, "Right now the time is probably around OO" then look at my watch, I often guess right. It's like I have a watch inside my body. But this ability is limited to when I'm sleeping (laugh). When I'm awake I have no idea what the time is, so it's not very useful...

【Power up due to miracle letters】 Fan letters are a mystery. Feelings of someone living far away, who has never met me, are conveyed. There are girls that write 「I work hard listening to NEWS songs」 but I myself am able to work hard because of such a voice! Of course, as a pro, I have to work with my full power at all times, and even if no one cheers me on I have to give a 100% performance. But I feel there's no doubt in that everyone's voice increases my strength. There are times when I listen to old songs and remember those days, but I wonder if people listen to old NEWS songs and remember those days, too. I'd be really happy. For one of our songs to be a part of that person's life, it's a miracle!


OMAKE! Yamapi in Popolo 2010.10

I'll raise my hurdles steadily

As a guy I don't want to lose in anything, but those feelings are especially strong when it concerns work. Rather than to others, it's more like I don't want to lose to myself. I can sometimes slack off, but what goes around comes around in work, so I want to keep improving myself. But, if my girlfriend will be one that can work more than I do, it'll be a problem. You know what, I really don't want to lose (laugh).

Of course there are times when I lose to myself. Like when I catch a cold or when I'm sleepy (laugh). When I get tired I feel depressed, so it's also important to pamper oneself every now and then. Eating and drinking at night, pampering one's body, and then the next day get to work again with high spirits.

I think guys are probably baka [fools] (laugh). Girls can make a judgment coolly, but guys aren't realistic, they always dream. Going around the world for work is my dream.

Conditions to be a good guy
Whether it's a guy or a girl, the conditions for me to think a person is lovely are the same. That is a person who is considerate, honest, and cherishes family and friends. I like people who can honestly show their feelings.

Protruding NEWS
Lately I've been going around the neighborhood for an hour on my bike. It's fun eating omu-rice at a western restaurant I found by chance and finding different back alleys!


Thank you for reading (^_^)

mag:myojo, translation:mag, mag:2010, 山下智久, mag:popolo, translation:2010, news:yamapi

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